Inventor/helpers/SbGlContextHelper.h File Reference

#include <Inventor/SbBase.h>
#include <vector>

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class  SbGLShareContext
 Class encapsulating information about an OpenGL context: a handle on an OpenGL context and its id. More...


namespace  SbGlContextHelper


typedef ::Display * SbGlContextHelper::Display
typedef GLXContext SbGlContextHelper::GLContext
typedef void * SbGlContextHelper::VisualInfo
typedef GLXDrawable SbGlContextHelper::Drawable


GLContext SbGlContextHelper::getCurrentContext ()
Display SbGlContextHelper::getCurrentDisplay ()
Drawable SbGlContextHelper::getCurrentDrawable ()
bool SbGlContextHelper::isValidDisplay (Display dpy)
VisualInfo SbGlContextHelper::getWindowVisualInfo (Display dpy, Drawable drawable)
VisualInfo SbGlContextHelper::getWindowVisualInfo (Display dpy, Drawable drawable, GLContext ctx)
void SbGlContextHelper::releaseVisualInfo (VisualInfo visualInfo)
GLContext SbGlContextHelper::createContext (Display dpy, VisualInfo vis, GLContext shareList, bool direct)
bool SbGlContextHelper::destroyContext (Display dpy, GLContext ctx)
bool SbGlContextHelper::makeCurrent (Display dpy, Drawable drawable, GLContext ctx)
SoINTERNAL GLContext SbGlContextHelper::createContextAttribs (Display dpy, VisualInfo vis, GLContext shareList, bool direct, const std::vector< int > &attribs)

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 15 Mar 2023
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.