SbRotationd Member List

This is the complete list of members for SbRotationd, including all inherited members.

Variables | Functions | Enumerations | Enumerator | Typedefs

Variablesdefined in
Functionsdefined in
equals(const SbRotationd &r, double tolerance) const SbRotationd
getValue() const SbRotationd [inline]
getValue(double &q0, double &q1, double &q2, double &q3) const SbRotationd
getValue(SbVec3d &axis, double &radians) const SbRotationd
getValue(SbMatrixd &matrix) const SbRotationd
getValue(SbMatrix &matrix) const SbRotationd
getValue(SbMatrix3 &matrix) const SbRotationd
identity()SbRotationd [inline, static]
inverse() const SbRotationd [inline]
multVec(const SbVec3d &src, SbVec3d &dst) const SbRotationd
operator*=(const SbRotationd &q)SbRotationd
SbRotationd()SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(const double v[4])SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(const SbMatrixd &m)SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(const SbMatrix3 &m)SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(const SbVec3d &axis, double radians)SbRotationd [inline]
SbRotationd(const SbVec3d &rotateFrom, const SbVec3d &rotateTo)SbRotationd [inline]
scaleAngle(double scaleFactor)SbRotationd
setValue(const double q[4])SbRotationd
setValue(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbMatrixd &m)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbVec3d &axis, double radians)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbVec3d &rotateFrom, const SbVec3d &rotateTo)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbRotation &rotate)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbMatrix &m)SbRotationd
setValue(const SbMatrix3 &m)SbRotationd
slerp(const SbRotationd &rot0, const SbRotationd &rot1, double t)SbRotationd [static]
Enumerationsdefined in
Enumeratordefined in
Typedefsdefined in

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 15 Mar 2023
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.