Class SbImageDataAccessor.SubVolumeRegion

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubVolumeRegion

        public SubVolumeRegion​(SbBox3i32 subVolume)
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public SbVec4i32 getSize()
        Returns the dimensions of the region. As this region represent a 3D space, getDimension()[3] is always 1. getDimension()[0], [1] and [2] correspond to size of SbBox3i32 given in constructor.
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface SbImageDataAccessor.Region
      • getExtent

        public SbBox4i32 getExtent()
        Returns extent of region. As this region is a 3D space, the last coordinates of the extent are always 0. The 3 first coordinates correspond to the SbBox3i32 given in the constructor.
        Specified by:
        getExtent in interface SbImageDataAccessor.Region
      • getPosition

        public SbVec4i32 getPosition​(long i)
        Returns position of the ith voxel of the region. ie. getPosition(0) returns the lower left corner of box given in constructor.

        Throws out of range exception if i >= getNumVoxel()

        Specified by:
        getPosition in interface SbImageDataAccessor.Region