Class SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh
    extends Inventor
    implements SafeDisposable
    Structured quadrilateral mesh. Its nodes are ordered and can be accessed by i, j indices. All cells are quadrilateral.

    Defines a list of 3d vertices that can be accessed by (i,j) indices.


    • Constructor Detail

      • SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh

        public SbStructuredQuadrilateralMesh​(long numCellsI,
                                             long numCellsJ)
        Constructor requiring the mesh number of cells in row and column.
    • Method Detail

      • dispose

        public boolean dispose()
        Description copied from class: Inventor
        Explicitly call this method to force object to dispose its unmanaged resources. The object may not be reused in the application code after this call.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface SafeDisposable
        dispose in class Inventor
        true if this object native resources were successfully disposed; false if it was already disposed or no native resources has been registered for this object.
      • getNumCellsJ

        public long getNumCellsJ()
        Returns the mesh number of cell by column.
      • setVertex

        public void setVertex​(long i,
                              long j,
                              SbVec3f vertex)
        Sets the position of a vertex. Throws an error if the indices are out of the mesh range.

        i - column index of the vertex to modify. i must be in range [0-getNumCellsI()].

        j - row index of the vertex to modify. j must be in range [0-getNumCellsJ()].

        vertex - new value.
      • getVertex

        public SbVec3f getVertex​(long i,
                                 long j)
        Returns the vertex position. Returns an empty vertex if the indices are out of the mesh range.

        i - column index of the vertex to modify. i must be in range [0-getNumCellsI()].

        j - row index of the vertex to modify. j must be in range [0-getNumCellsJ()].
      • getNumCellsI

        public long getNumCellsI()
        Returns the mesh number of cell by row.