Class SoLabelAnalysisResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoLabelAnalysisResult

        public SoLabelAnalysisResult()
    • Method Detail

      • getValueAsDouble

        public double getValueAsDouble​(int labelIndex,
                                       int measureIndex,
                                       int measureComponent)
        Returns the result as a floating value for the given measure and measure's component.
      • getNumImageAnalysis

        public long getNumImageAnalysis()
        Returns the number of image that where analysed.
      • getNumMeasureComponent

        public int getNumMeasureComponent​(int measureIndex)
        Returns the number of components values for the given measure index.
      • getMeasureUnitDimension

        public SoDataMeasure.UnitDimensions getMeasureUnitDimension​(int measureIndex)
        Returns the measure unit dimension of the given resulting measure index.
      • getMeasureFormat

        public SoDataMeasure.ResultFormats getMeasureFormat​(int measureIndex)
        Returns the measure format of the given resulting measure index.
      • getNumLabels

        public long getNumLabels​(int sequenceIndex)
        Returns the number of different labels in the label analysis result for the given image index.
      • getNumLabels

        public long getNumLabels()
        Returns the total number of different labels in the label analysis result. this is the sum of the label count in each image analysed.
      • getMeasureIndex

        public int getMeasureIndex​(java.lang.String measureName)
        Returns the index of the measure named measureName. -1 is returned if the given measure is not in the analysis.
      • getNumMeasure

        public int getNumMeasure()
        Returns the number of measures results.
      • getValueAsUInt

        public long getValueAsUInt​(int labelIndex,
                                   int measureIndex,
                                   int measureComponent)
        Returns the result as an unsigned integer value for the given measure and measure's component.
      • getValueAsInteger

        public long getValueAsInteger​(int labelIndex,
                                      int measureIndex,
                                      int measureComponent)
        Returns the result as an integer value for the given measure and measure's component.
      • getValueAsString

        public java.lang.String getValueAsString​(int labelIndex,
                                                 int measureIndex,
                                                 int measureComponent)
        Returns the result as a string value for the given measure and measure's component.
      • getMeasureName

        public java.lang.String getMeasureName​(int measureIndex)
        Returns the ith measure name. measureIndex is in the range 0..getNumMeasure().