Class SoProxyDataAdapter

    • Field Detail

      • roi

        public final SoSFBox4i32 roi
        Defines a region of interest (ROI) in voxels on the original image. Default value is an empty box. The box is defined by a 'min' corner and a 'max' corner. If the specified box is larger than the image, the box is clamped to the dimensions of the image.

        Example for an 512x512 image and a {min=(256,256), max=(400,600)}-box, the resulting box will be {min=(256,256), max=(400,512)}-box.

      • channels

        public final SoMFInt32 channels
        Defines the list of channels selected on the image. Default value is the first channel (0) which usually corresponds to:
        • Intensity for a gray level image, or
        • Red channel for RGB or RGBA image.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SoProxyDataAdapter

        public SoProxyDataAdapter()
        Default constructor.