SoAccumulatedElement |
Abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set.
SoAnnoText3FontSizeHintElement.FontSizeHints |
Font size hint.
SoAnnoText3RenderPrintElement.RenderPrintTypes |
Render print type.
SoBBoxCacheElement.CacheModes |
SoBBoxTypeElement.Types |
Available BBox types:
SoBevelPropertyElement |
Stores various beveling attributes.
SoBlendElement.BlendElementParameters |
SoBlendElement.BlendEquations |
Blend Equation as defined by OpenGL's glBlendEquation.
SoBlendElement.BlendFactors |
BlendFactor as defined by OpenGL's glBlendFunc.
SoCacheElement |
Stores the most recently opened cache.
SoClipPlaneElement |
Stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes.
SoComplexityTypeElement.Types |
These are the available complexity types:
SoCoordinateElement |
Stores the current coordinates.
SoDecimationTypeElement.Types |
These are the available decimation types.
SoDepthBufferElement.DepthWriteFunctions |
Depth function mode as defined by OpenGL.
SoDrawBufferElement.SoDrawBufferTypes |
Depth function mode as defined by OpenGL.
SoDrawStyleElement.Styles |
These are the available draw styles.
SoEdgeFlagElement |
Stores the edge flag values.
SoElement |
Abstract base class for all state elements.
SoEnvironmentElement.EnvironmentParameters |
SoEnvironmentElement.FogTypes |
Fog type.
SoFloatElement |
Element's subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value.
SoFontRenderStyleElement.RenderStyles |
These are the available render styles.
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement |
Stores the current Full-Scene Antialising state.
SoFullSceneAntialiasingElement.Filters |
SoGLLazyElement |
SoInt32Element |
Stores a single int32_t, int, or enum value.
SoInt32ListElement |
Stores a list of int32_t, int, or enum values.
SoLazyElement |
SoLazyElement.Cases |
Following masks and cases define the components of the lazy element.
SoLazyElement.Masks |
SoLightModelElement.Models |
These are the available lighting models.
SoLogicOperationElement.LogicOperations |
Logic Operation as defined by OpenGL's logicOp enum.
SoMaterialBindingElement.Bindings |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files.
SoMaterialElement.Masks |
SoModelMatrixElement |
Stores the current model matrix.
SoNormalBindingElement.Bindings |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files:
SoNormalElement |
Allows read-only access to the top element in the state.
SoNurbsPropertyElement.DrawStyles |
Draw style.
SoPickMethodElement.Methods |
These are the available pick methods.
SoPickStyleElement.Styles |
These are the available pick styles.
SoPolygonOffsetElement.Styles |
PolygonOffset style.
SoProfileCoordinateElement |
Stores the current profile coordinates.
SoProfileElement.ProfileType |
SoReplacedElement |
Abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set.
SoReplacedTextureElement |
Abstract base class for each texture state element.
SoShapeHintsElement.FaceTypes |
Hints about faces of shape.
SoShapeHintsElement.ShapeTypes |
Hints about entire shape.
SoShapeHintsElement.VertexOrderings |
Hints about ordering of face vertices.
SoShapeHintsElement.WindingTypes |
Hints about winding type.
SoShapeStyleElement |
Stores some information used by shapes.
SoShapeStyleElement.Flags |
SoTangentBindingElement.Bindings |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files:
SoTangentElement |
Allows read-only access to the top element in the state.
SoTextAlignmentHElement.AlignmentHs |
SoTextAlignmentVElement.AlignmentVs |
SoTextOrientationElement.Orientations |
SoTextStyleElement.Styles |
Available styles (may be combined):
SoTextureCoordinate3Element |
Stores the current 3D texture coordinates.
SoTextureCoordinate3Element.CoordTypes |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files.
SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement.Bindings |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files.
SoTextureCoordinateElement |
Stores the current texture coordinates.
SoTextureCoordinateElement.CoordTypes |
The choice of values is for compatibility with Open Inventor 2.0 binary format files.
SoTextureImageElementBase |
Stores the current texture image.
SoTextureImageElementBase.Targets |
SoUniformShaderParameterElement |
Stores the current uniform shader parameter.
SoUnitsElement.Units |
These are the available types of units.
SoVertexFlagElement |
Stores the current vertex flag.