Class SoMFVec3d

  • public class SoMFVec3d
    extends SoMField
    Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors. A multiple-value field that contains any number of three-dimensional vectors.

    SoMFVec3ds are written to file as one or more triples of double precision values separated by whitespace.

    When more than one value is present, all of the values are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas; for example:

       [ 0 0 0, 1.2 3.4 5.6, 98.6 -4e1 212 ]

    Data copying:

    SoMF fields are a kind of "smart container", automatically expanding as necessary to hold the data provided by the application. This is very convenient, but for large blocks of data it may be desireable to avoid making a copy of the application data. The setValuesBuffer() methods allow Open Inventor to directly use an array of values supplied by the application. The application data is not copied. Please see SoMFVec3f for more information and example code.

    • Method Detail

      • setValues

        public void setValues​(int start,
                              int num,
                              double[] xyz)
        As of Open Inventor 9.3.1, use setValues(int, double[]) instead.
        Sets values from array of arrays of 3 doubles.
      • find

        public int find​(SbVec3d targetValue)
        Calls find(targetValue, false).
      • getValueAt

        public SbVec3d getValueAt​(int i)
      • getDirectValues

        public java.nio.DoubleBuffer getDirectValues​(int start)
        Returns a pointer into the array of values in the field, starting at index start. The values are read-only. See the startEditing()/finishEditing() methods for a way of modifying values in place.
      • getValues

        public SbVec3d[] getValues​(int start)
        Returns a pointer into the array of values in the field, starting at index start. The values are read-only. See the startEditing()/finishEditing() methods for a way of modifying values in place.
      • find

        public int find​(SbVec3d targetValue,
                        boolean addIfNotFound)
        Finds the given targetValue in the array and returns the index of that value. in the array. If the value is not found, -1 is returned. If addIfNotFound is set, then targetValue is added to the end of the array (but -1 is still returned).
      • set1Value

        public void set1Value​(int index,
                              double x,
                              double y,
                              double z)
        Sets one value from 3 doubles.
      • finishEditing

        public void finishEditing()
        Indicates that batch edits have finished. See startEditing().
      • startEditing

        public java.nio.DoubleBuffer startEditing()
        Returns a pointer to the internally maintained array that can be modified. The values in the array may be changed, but values cannot be added or removed. It is illegal to call any other editing methods between startEditing() and finishEditing() (e.g. set1Value(), setValue(), etc.). Fields, engines or sensors connected to this field and sensors are not notified that this field has changed until finishEditing() is called. Calling finishEditing() always sets the isDefault() flag to false and informs engines and sensors that the field changed, even if none of the values actually were changed.
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(int start,
                              SbVec3d[] newValues)
        Sets num values starting at index start to the values. in newValues. The array will automatically be made larger to accommodate the new values, if necessary. In that case, if field's values are stored in an user data array, this array is no more used.
      • disableDeleteValues

        public void disableDeleteValues()
        Temporary disable value deleting.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(double x,
                             double y,
                             double z)
        Sets to one value from 3 doubles.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(double[] xyz)
        Sets to one value from 3 doubles in array.
      • setValuesBuffer

        public void setValuesBuffer​(java.nio.ByteBuffer userData)
        Sets the field to contain the values stored in userData. This data will not be copied into the field: it will be directly used by the field.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(SbVec3d newValue)
        Sets the first value in the array to newValue, and deletes. the second and subsequent values. If field's values are stored in an user data array, this array is no more used.
      • set1Value

        public void set1Value​(int index,
                              SbVec3d newValue)
        Sets the index'th value in the array to newValue. The array will be automatically expanded, if necessary. In that case, if field's values are stored in an user data array, this array is no more used.
      • set1Value

        public void set1Value​(int index,
                              double[] xyz)
        Sets one value from 3 doubles in array.
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(int start,
                              double[] xyz)
        Sets values from the specified array of doubles. The size of the array must be a multiple of 3.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class SoField