Class PoValueLegend

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class PoValueLegend
    extends PoLegend
    Abstract class for values legend. This class handles a period of values, a first value and a last value to be displayed in a legend, specific strings.

    Values of the legends depend on :

    • the current list of isovalues only if this list exists. In this case, values of the legend are the values defined by the current list of isovalues. The current data mapping is only used for coloring boxes of the legend.
    • the current data mapping only if the current list of isovalues does no exist. In this case, the values of the legend are the values of the current data mapping. If the current data mapping is linear, about ten values are computed. If the current data mapping is non linear of type PbNonLinearDataMapping or it does not exist, the list of legend values is empty. If the current data mapping is non linear of type PbNonLinearDataMapping2, values of the legend are the values defined by the current data mapping.

    If setIsovaluesList(isovaluesList) method is called with "isovaluesList" derived from PbIsovaluesList, the current isovalues list is "isovaluesList". Otherwise the current isovalues list is specified in the current inherited state (cf PoIsovaluesList property node). The current isovalues list does not exist if setIsovaluesList() method is not called and no PoIsovaluesList node is traversed before in the scene graph.

    If setDataMapping(dataMapping) method is called with "dataMapping" derived from PbDataMapping, the current data mapping is "dataMapping". Otherwise the current data mapping is specified in the current inherited state (cf property node PoDataMapping and its derived classes). The current data mapping does not exist if setDataMapping() method is not called and no PoDataMapping node is traversed before in the scene graph.

    Values format depends on the current numerical display format. If the method setFormat(format) is called, the current numerical display format is "format". Otherwise the current numerical display format is specified in the current inherited state (cf property node PoNumericDisplayFormat).

    • Field Detail

      • upperUndefString

        public final SoSFString upperUndefString
        String indicating the upper undefined level. (Corresponds to the maximum threshold of data mapping. Not used if no data mapping object is specified or if the maximum threshold is disabled).
      • lowerUndefString

        public final SoSFString lowerUndefString
        String indicating the lower undefined level. (Corresponds to the minimum threshold of data mapping Not used if no data mapping object is specified or if the minimum threshold is disabled).
      • periodValue

        public final SoSFUShort periodValue
        Period to display the values in the legend.
      • firstValue

        public final SoSFUShort firstValue
        Number of the first value to display.
      • lastValue

        public final SoSFUShort lastValue
        Number of the last value to display.
    • Method Detail

      • getDataMapping

        public PbDataMapping getDataMapping()
        Gets a reference to a PbDataMapping object to the association color-values.
      • setFormat

        public void setFormat​(PbNumericDisplayFormat format)
        Sets a reference to a PbNumericDisplayFormat object for the numerical display format of the legend values. If this method is not called (or called passing NULL as argument), this is the numerical display format defined in the current inherited state (defined with the property node PoNumericDisplayFormat) which is used.
      • setDataMapping

        public void setDataMapping​(PbDataMapping dataMapping)
        Sets a reference to a PbDataMapping object to the association color-values. If this method is not called (or called passing NULL as argument), this is the data mapping defined in the current inherited state (defined with the property node PoDataMapping and its derived classes) which is used.
      • setIsovaluesList

        public void setIsovaluesList​(PbIsovaluesList isovaluesList)
        Sets a reference to a PbIsovaluesList object. A PbIsovaluesList object defines an isovalue list used for the legend values. If this method is not called (or called passing NULL as argument), this is the isovalue list defined in the current inherited state (defined with the property node PoIsovaluesList) which is used.