Class MoMeshIsosurface

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MoMeshIsosurface
    extends MoMeshRepresentation
    Rendering node that displays an isosurface of a volume mesh.

    An isosurface is an unstructured surface mesh defined by all the points having the specified value in the scalar data set. The scalar set used to extract the isosurface is defined by the inherited isoScalarSetId field. This is an index into the list of scalar sets existing in the traversal state (see the MoScalarSetxxx nodes). This scalar set must be defined per node to be valid.

    The isolines can be colored using a scalar set defined in the colorScalarSetId inherited field. To disable coloring set this field to -1. Rendering can be modified using various property nodes (see the "See also" section).

    See Also:
    MoCellFilter, MoColorMapping, MoDrawStyle, MoMaterial, MiIsosurfExtractUnstructured, MiIsosurfExtractHexahedronIjk, MiIsosurfExtractIjk
    • Field Detail

      • isoValue

        public SoSFFloat isoValue
        Isovalue to display. The default value is 0.0.
      • isoScalarSetId

        public SoSFInt32 isoScalarSetId
        Field representing the scalar set node to be used to compute the iso value. During traversal of the scene graph, scalar set nodes are accumulated in a list of scalar sets. isoScalarSetId is an index into this list.
        The default value is 0.
        Note: This scalar set must be defined per node to be valid.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MoMeshIsosurface

        public MoMeshIsosurface()
        Constructs a rendering node with default iso value and scalar set id.
        • isoValue = 0
        • isoScalarSetId = 0
    • Method Detail

      • getUnstructuredExtractor

        public MiIsosurfExtractUnstructured getUnstructuredExtractor()
        Gets the isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes to reuse outside this node.
        Note: The returned object may be null if no unstructured mesh has been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph.
        the isosurface extractor for unstructured meshes
      • getHexahedronIjkExtractor

        public MiIsosurfExtractHexahedronIjk getHexahedronIjkExtractor()
        Gets the isosurface extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes to reuse outside this node.
        Note: The returned object may be null if no hexahedron IJK mesh has been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph.
        the isosurface extractor for hexahedron IJK meshes
      • getIjkExtractor

        public MiIsosurfExtractIjk getIjkExtractor()
        Gets the isosurface extractor for IJK meshes to reuse outside this node.
        Note: The returned object may be null if no IJK mesh has been set in the scene graph or if no render action has traversed the scene graph.
        the isosurface extractor for IJK meshes