Interface MiTopologyIjk

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface MiTopologyIjk
    extends MiTopology
    List of volume cells interface.

    A generic interface for a structured implicit volume mesh topology. Cells are all implicitly defined as hexahedron so there is no need for specifying a list of cells.
    The number of cells on each dimension defines completely the topology.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getNumCellsI()
      Returns the number of cells on the first logical axis.
      int getNumCellsJ()
      Returns the number of cells on the second logical axis.
      int getNumCellsK()
      Returns the number of cells on the third logical axis.
      boolean isDead​(int i, int j, int k)
      Returns true if the cell at the specified position should be ignored.
    • Method Detail

      • getNumCellsI

        int getNumCellsI()
        Returns the number of cells on the first logical axis.
        the number of cells on the first logical axis.
      • getNumCellsJ

        int getNumCellsJ()
        Returns the number of cells on the second logical axis.
        the number of cells on the second logical axis.
      • getNumCellsK

        int getNumCellsK()
        Returns the number of cells on the third logical axis.
        the number of cells on the third logical axis.
      • isDead

        boolean isDead​(int i,
                       int j,
                       int k)
        Returns true if the cell at the specified position should be ignored. This value is ignored if the hasDeadCell method returns false.
        i - the i-index of the cell to check
        j - the j-index of the cell to check
        k - the k-index of the cell to check
        true if the cell should be ignored.