Package com.openinventor.inventor.devices
Open Inventor supported devices.
Open Inventor can use different systems resources and is design in a way to easily allow new device support integration.
Currently supported devices type are :
- any devices supporting OpenGL API.
- any CPU with different level of optimization depending on available compute unit (SSE, Altivec...).
- any device supporting CUDA API.
- any device supporting OpenCL API.
Class Summary Class Description SoBaseContextObject Context dependent object management class.SoBufferObject Abstract base class for buffer object management.SoCpuBufferObject CPU buffer object class.SoCpuContext CPU device context managment class.SoCpuDevice CPU device management class.SoDevice Abstract device management class.SoDeviceContext Abstract base class for device context managment.SoDeviceContextSharedGroup Shared context management class.SoGLBufferObject OpenGL buffer object class.SoGLContext OpenGL context management class.SoGLDevice OpenGL device management class.SoGLDeviceSettings Device settings management class.SoGLExtension Contains methods to query and disable OpenGL extensions.SoGLFormat OpenGL pixel format management class.SoGLScreenDevice GL Screen device class.SoGpuBufferObject GPU buffer object class.SoInteropBufferObject Abstract base class for interoperability buffer object management. -
Enum Summary Enum Description SoBufferObject.AccessModes This enum provides the possible access modes for a mapped buffer object.SoCpuDevice.ProcessorArchitectures This enum contains the list of possible architectures for the CPU.SoGLBufferObject.BufferObjectTargets This enum declares the possible targets of the buffer.SoGLBufferObject.Usages This enum declares the possible usages of the memory allocated for the buffer.SoGLContext.SharedGroupPolicies Sharing Policy.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessFrequencies Available values for hints on how frequently the application will be changing the buffer's data.SoGpuBufferObject.BufferAccessNatures Available values for hints on the nature of the application's access to the buffer.