Class PoMeshSkin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoMeshSkin
    extends PoMesh3D
    Representation of the mesh skin. Class to build the skin of the current volume mesh. The exterior and the interior boundaries of the mesh are displayed. See PoMesh for more explanations about the current mesh. If the current mesh is an indexed mesh (class PbIndexedMesh3D, PoIndexedMesh3D and derived), the skin is defined by the list of facets which belong to only one cell.

    If the field PoMesh.valuesIndex is not defined (or if coloringType = COLOR_INHERITED), the representation uses only one inherited color. If the field PoMesh.valuesIndex is defined (and if coloringType != COLOR_INHERITED), the representation is colored by using the current data mapping applied to each mesh node value. (see PoMesh for more explanations about the current data-mapping).

    The vector data of the mesh for this representation is unused. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../stylesheet.css" TITLE="Style"> <title></title> </head> <BODY> <h1></h1> <h4> <A NAME="Heading1037">CATALOG PARTS</A></h4> <ul><b>PoMeshSkin</b> {</ul> <ul><ul><b>Separator</b> <tt>alternateRep</tt> (from PoBase) {<br> </ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>appearance</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of all the kit. By default lightModel.model=PHONG. material.diffuseColor is set when the kit is rebuilt, if the field coloringType is different from COLOR_INHERITED.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>MatrixTransform</b> <tt>domainTransform</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Corresponds to the domain transformation.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>groupSkin</tt></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoShapeHints property with creaseAngle = 0.8 and, a SoIndexedTriangleStripSet (for PbIndexedMesh3D class and its derived classes) shape to draw the skin of the mesh.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul>}</ul></ul> <ul>}</ul> <ul><ul><br> </ul></ul> </body> </html>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PoMeshSkin

        public PoMeshSkin()