Class MoCellRanges

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MoCellRanges
    extends MoActionNode
    Property node that stores cell ranges for meshes.

    This node allows to restrict displayed cells from a mesh in a range of indices for all subsequent MoMeshRepresentation nodes. Rendering using MoCellRanges is more efficient than using a MoCellFilter with a custom MiCellFilter.

    This node adds cell ranges to the list of cell ranges in the traversal state.

    During traversal of the scene graph, MoCellRanges nodes are accumulated into a list so that a representation retrieves an intersection of these cell ranges. The representation takes then into account only the cells from the mesh with indices between the minimum and maximum index resulting from the cell ranges intersections.

    Applies to all representations for structured volume mesh but only applies to MoMeshSkin, MoMeshOutline on unstructured volume mesh and MoMeshSurface, MoMeshOutline on surface mesh.

    • Field Detail

      • min

        public SoMFInt64 min
        Minimum cell index values for displaying the mesh representation.

        This field is empty by default.

        • If the field is empty, the representation extraction starts from the first cell of the mesh.
        • If the mesh is unstructured, a single value specifies the index of the first cell index to use.
        • If the mesh is a structured surface mesh, two values specify the first I and J cell indices to use (In this case, if less than two values are provided, the field is ignored.).
        • If the mesh is a structured volume mesh, three values specify the first I, J and K cell indices to use (In this case, if less than three values are provided, the field is ignored.).
      • max

        public SoMFInt64 max
        Maximum cell index values for displaying the mesh representation.

        This field is empty by default.

        • If the field is empty, the representation extraction runs up to the last cell of the mesh.
        • If the mesh is unstructured, a single value specifies the index of the last cell index to use.
        • If the mesh is a structured surface mesh, two values specify the last I and J cell indices to use (In this case, if less than two values are provided, the field is ignored.).
        • If the mesh is a structured volume mesh, three values specify the last I, J and K cell indices to use (In this case, if less than three values are provided, the field is ignored.).
    • Constructor Detail

      • MoCellRanges

        public MoCellRanges()
        Constructs an empty cell range.