Client |
Represents a client application instance using RemoteViz.
ClientSettings |
Settings that define a Client .
Connection |
Represents a connection from a Client to a RenderArea managed by the RemoteViz service.
ConnectionParameters |
Field-value pairs included in the URL when the client requested a connection.
ConnectionSettings |
EncodedFrame |
This class provides the features of an encoded frame that is sent to the client.
EncodedFrame.EncodingFormats |
Encoding format.
FrameEncoders |
Defines a pair of encoders that are used to encode still and interactive frames.
FrameEncoders.Encoders |
Frame encoder.
FrameEncoders.Status |
Frame encoder status.
HTTPHeaders |
This class represents the header configuration options for an HTTP request and response.
HTTPRequest |
This class encapsulates an HTTP request message received by the service.
HTTPResponse |
This class encapsulates an HTTP response message.
HTTPResponse.HTTPStatus |
Enum for the HTTP status codes.
IFrameEncodingPolicy |
MetricsListener |
This class can be overridden by an application to monitor the service.
Monitoring |
This class enables to manage metrics listeners that monitor states and performance of the service.
Monitoring.MetricTypes |
Types of metrics.
NetworkPerformance |
This class manages measures of service quality of the network.
RenderArea |
Defines the rendering area for Open Inventor rendering.
RenderAreaHardware |
Settings to setup hardware for a render area.
RenderAreaListener |
This class can be overridden by an application to receive notifications from a RenderArea .
Service |
Defines the RemoteViz rendering service.
ServiceListener |
This class can be overridden by an application to receive notifications from the rendering Service .
ServiceSettings |
Settings that define the rendering Service .
ServiceSettings.Extensions |
Each enumeration represents an Open Inventor extension.
ServiceSettings.RunModes |
The run mode is used to change the behaviour of the RemoteViz execution in three environments.
ServiceSettings.SecurityProtocols |
Each enumeration represents a security protocol.
Uri |
This class represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).