Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Writing a Per-Pixel Lighting Shader

The following example computes per-pixel lighting (only the diffuse contribution is computed) on a sub-scene graph. Per-pixel lighting gives better lighting quality than per-vertex lighting (with classical OpenGL pipeline) because the light contributions are computed at each pixel instead of at each vertex.

The original example (located in $OIVHOME/src/Inventor/examples/Features/Shaders/PixelLighting), enables you to select when the application starts the shading language used for the per-pixel lighting.

The example described below, includes only the essential part of the complete source.

Per-pixel lighting shader (left) versus per-vertex lighting (right)

Simplified scene graph of PixelLighting.cxx

Example : Writing a per-pixel shader

Contents of PixelLighting.cxx

C++ :

// Initialize and set the vertex shader
VertexShader = new SoVertexShader;
// Initialize and set the fragment shader
FragmentShader = new SoFragmentShader;
// Specify the vertex and fragment shaders
VertexShader->sourceProgram.setValue( "../../../data/Shaders/PixelLightingVtx.glsl" );
FragmentShader->sourceProgram.setValue( "../../../data/Shaders/PixelLightingFrag.glsl" );
// Initialize and set the shader program
SoShaderProgram* shaderProgram = new SoShaderProgram;
shaderProgram->shaderObject.set1Value( 0, VertexShader );
shaderProgram->shaderObject.set1Value( 1, FragmentShader );
// Add the shader program to the separator
ShaderSep->insertChild( shaderProgram, 0 );
main( int argc, char*\* argv )
SoSeparator* root = new SoSeparator;
// Point light
PointLight = new SoPointLightManip;
ShaderSep = new SoSeparator;
SoSeparator* sphereSep = new SoSeparator;
sphereSep->addChild( new SoSphere );
// Configures the shader
// Add the sphere to the shaders' separator to apply the shaders to it.
ShaderSep->addChild( sphereSep );
// Material applied to the model
SoMaterial* modelMat = new SoMaterial;
modelMat->ambientColor.setValue( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f );
modelMat->diffuseColor.setValue( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.9f );
modelMat->specularColor.setValue( 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f );
modelMat->emissiveColor.setValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
modelMat->shininess.setValue( 0.2f );
// Build the scene graph
root->addChild( modelMat );
root->addChild( PointLight );
root->addChild( ShaderSep );

C# :

// Initialize and set the vertex shader
SoVertexShader VertexShader = new SoVertexShader();
// Initialize and set the fragment shader
SoFragmentShader FragmentShader = new SoFragmentShader();
// Specify the vertex and fragment shaders
VertexShader.sourceProgram.Value = "$OIVNETHOME/src/Inventor/examples/data/Shaders/PixelLightingVtx.glsl";
FragmentShader.sourceProgram.Value = "$OIVNETHOME/src/Inventor/examples/data/Shaders/PixelLightingFrag.glsl";
// Initialize and set the shader program
SoShaderProgram shaderProgram = new SoShaderProgram();
shaderProgram.shaderObject[0] = VertexShader;
shaderProgram.shaderObject[1] = FragmentShader;
// Add the shader program to the separator
ShaderSep.InsertChild( shaderProgram, 0 );
SoSeparator root = new SoSeparator();
// Point light
SoPointLightManip PointLight = new SoPointLightManip();
ShaderSep = new SoSeparator();
SoSeparator sphereSep = new SoSeparator();
SoTranslation sphereTranslation = new SoTranslation();
sphereTranslation.translation.SetValue( 3f, 0f, -2f );
sphereSep.AddChild( sphereTranslation );
sphereSep.AddChild( new SoSphere() );
// Configures the shader
// Add the sphere to the shaders' separator to apply the shaders to it.
ShaderSep.AddChild( sphereSep );
// Material applied to the model
SoMaterial modelMat = new SoMaterial();
modelMat.ambientColor.SetValue( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f );
modelMat.diffuseColor.SetValue( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.9f );
modelMat.specularColor.SetValue( 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f );
modelMat.emissiveColor.SetValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
modelMat.shininess.SetValue( 0.2f );
// Build the scene graph
root.AddChild( modelMat );
root.AddChild( PointLight );
root.AddChild( ShaderSep );

Java :

Contents of PixelLightingVtx.glsl Vertex Shader:

/* !!GLSL */
varying vec4 eposition;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec3 diffuseColor;
varying vec3 specularColor;
varying vec3 emissiveColor;
varying vec3 ambientColor;
varying float shininess;
// Position in clip space
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
// Position in eye space
eposition = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;
// Normal in eye space
normal = mat3( gl_ModelViewMatrix ) * gl_Normal;
// Retrieves diffuse, specular emissive, and ambient color from the OpenGL state.
diffuseColor = vec3( gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse );
specularColor = vec3( gl_FrontMaterial.specular );
emissiveColor = vec3( gl_FrontMaterial.emission );
ambientColor = vec3( gl_FrontMaterial.ambient );
shininess = gl_FrontMaterial.shininess;

Contents of PixelLightingFrag.glsl fragment shader:

/* !!GLSL */
varying vec4 eposition;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec3 diffuseColor;
varying vec3 specularColor;
varying vec3 emissiveColor;
varying vec3 ambientColor;
varying float shininess;
const vec3 lightColor = vec3( 1, 1, 1 );
const vec3 globalAmbient = vec3( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 );
// Position in eye space
vec3 P = vec3( eposition );
// Normalize normal in eye space
vec3 N = normalize( normal );
// Compute the emissive term
vec3 emissive = emissiveColor;
// Compute the ambient term
vec3 ambient = ambientColor * globalAmbient;
// Compute the diffuse term
// Normalized vector toward the light source
vec3 L = normalize( vec3( gl_LightSource[0].position ) - P );
float diffuseLight = max( dot( N, L ), 0 );
vec3 diffuse = diffuseColor * lightColor * diffuseLight;
// Compute the specular term
vec3 V = normalize( -P ); // Normalized vector toward the viewpoint
vec3 H = normalize( L + V ); // Normalized vector that is halfway between V and L
float specularLight = pow( max( dot( N, H ), 0 ), shininess );
if ( diffuseLight <= 0 )
specularLight = 0;
vec3 specular = specularColor * lightColor * specularLight;
// Define the final vertex color = emissive + ambient + diffuse + specular;
gl_FragColor.w = 1.0;