Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Conventions Used in This Book
  • This book uses boldface text for Inventor classes, methods, and field names.

For example: SoNode, SoMaterial, getValues(), and ambientColor.

  • Code examples are displayed in the Courier font. For example:
main( int, char** argv )
Widget myWindow = SoXt::init( argv[0] );
if ( myWindow == NULL )
exit( 1 );
  • File locations are specified using Unix-style path names. For example:


The equivalent path name on Windows would be:


  • In this book, when we refer to Windows, we mean Microsoft Windows XP and Vista.
  • In the examples in this book, we use the SoXt classes. On Windows, you can use the SoXt classes for portability, or you can use the SoWin classes. We will also use the term “widget” to refer to dialog boxes and other user-interface elements. Although this term is not strictly applicable to Windows, the meaning should be clear. In most cases, you can mentally substitute “window” for “widget” on Microsoft Windows. For example, “parent widget” is simply “parent window.”
  • The basic types in MeshViz begin with the letters Pb (for instance PbBase, PbDomain, etc.). All other MeshViz classes begin with Po or So.
  • MeshViz Interface abstract classes begin with Mi. MeshViz Data Mapping nodes begin with Mo.
  • For all class tree figures, only abstract classes appear in bold style whereas others classes appear in regular style.
  • You will come across many icons throughout this documentation:

Programming tips are marked with their own heading and the icon


