Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Elements and Actions

Table 1.1, “ Elements Enabled for Each Action” lists all elements and the actions for which they are enabled by default. The elements enabled for the line highlight and box highlight render actions are the same as those for the GL render action.

Table 1.1. Elements Enabled for Each Action

CB = Callback GLR = GLRender BB = BoundingBox GM = GetMatrix HE = HandleEvent P = Pick RP = RayPick S = Search CB GLR BB GM HE P RP S
AmbientColor X X
BBoxModelMatrix X
Cache X X
ClipPlane X X X X
Complexity X X X X X
ComplexityType X X X X X
Coordinate X X X X X
CreaseAngle X X X X X
CullVolume X
CurrentGLMaterial X
DiffuseColor X X
DrawStyle X X
EmissiveColor X X
FocalDistance X X X X
FontName X X X X X
FontSize X X X X X
GLAmbientColor X
GLCacheContext X
GLClipPlane X
GLColorIndex X
GLCoordinate X
GLDiffuseColor X
GLDrawStyle X
GLEmissiveColor X
GLLightId X
GLLightModel X
GLLinePattern X
GLLineWidth X
GLMaterialIndex X
GLModelMatrix X
GLNormal X
GLPointSize X
GLPolygonStipple X
GLProjectionMatrix X
GLRenderPass X
GLShapeHints X
GLShininess X
GLSpecularColor X
GLTextureBlend- Color X
GLTextureCoordi- nate X
GLTextureEnabled X
GLTextureImage X
GLTextureMatrix X
GLTextureModel X
GLTextureQuality X
GLTextureWrapS X
GLTextureWrapT X
GLUpdateArea X
GLViewingMatrix X
GLViewportRegion X
LightAttenuation X
LightModel X X
LinePattern X X
LineWidth X X
LocalBBoxMatrix X
MaterialBinding X X X X
ModelMatrix X X X X
NormalBinding X X X X
Normal X X X X
PickRay X
PickStyle X X X
PointSize X X
ProfileCoordinate X X X X X
Profile X X X X X
ProjectionMatrix X X X X
ShapeHints X X X X X
Shininess X X
SpecularColor X X
Switch X X X X X X X X
TextureBlendColor X X
TextureCoordinate- Binding X X X X
TextureCoordinate X X X X
TextureImage X X
TextureMatrix X X X X
TextureModel X X
TextureWrapS X X
TextureWrapT X X
Transparency X X
Units X X X X X X
ViewVolume X X X X X
ViewingMatrix X X X X
ViewportRegion X X X X X X X