Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
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Qt component library. More...


class  SoQtDevice
  VSG extension Abstract base class for input devices. More...
class  SoQtKeyboard
  VSG extension Translates and reports events for the keyboard device. More...
class  SoQtMouse
  VSG extension Translates and reports events for the mouse device. More...
class  SoQtSpaceball
 Translates and reports events for a SpaceBall or SpaceMouse (Magellan) device. More...
class  SbQtHelper
  VSG extension Utilities class for Qt management. More...
class  SoQt
  VSG extension Routines for Open Inventor/Qt compatibility. More...
class  SoQtComponent
  VSG extension Abstract base class for all Open Inventor Qt components. More...
class  SoQtDirectionalLightEditor
  VSG extension Component for editing directional lights. More...
class  SoQtGLWidget
  VSG extension Component for OpenGL rendering. More...
class  SoQtMaterialEditor
  VSG extension Component which lets you edit a material interactively. More...
class  SoQtRenderArea
  VSG extension Component for rendering Open Inventor scene graphs. More...
class  SoQtWrapper
  VSG extension Creates a QWidget that encapsulates an Open Inventor viewer. More...
class  SoQtConstrainedViewer
  VSG extension Base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction. More...
class  SoQtExaminerViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which uses a virtual trackball to view the data. More...
class  SoQtFlyViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component for flying through space, with a constant world up. More...
class  SoQtFullViewer
  VSG extension Base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area. More...
class  SoQtPlaneViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane. More...
class  SoQtViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component lowest base class. More...
class  SoQtWalkViewer
  VSG extension Viewer component which moves the camera in a plane. More...

Detailed Description

Qt component library.

Qt is a cross-platform C++ GUI application framework from Trolltech AS. See for more information.

The SoQt component library is equivalent to the SoXt and SoWin component libraries, adapted for the unique requirements and facilities of Qt. Just like SoXt and SoWin, SoQt classes include an OpenGL drawing area, an Open Inventor RenderArea which manages a scene graph, and Open Inventor viewers which add lights, cameras, and interactivity to a scene.
