Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
Volume editing features

VolumeViz Demonstate editing features

This demo show the whole workflow of editing. Select editing tools (SubVolume, Lasso or Polygon), edit volume and save result.

Following tools are available:

  • SubVolume: drag the box in the area you want to edit, set the value with the slider and click Edit button.
  • Lasso: use the edition tool (arrow) and draw a lasso on screen. The lasso will be extruded across the volume, setting all the voxels inside this volume with current slider value.
  • Polygon: use the edition tool (arrow) and draw a polygon on the volume. You must click on visible part of the volume. To finalize polygon, double-click or hit enter key. Hit escape to cancel. The generated polygon is filled with slider value value, using slider thickness.

In this demo, a binary mask (SoVolumeMask) is edited. A value of 0 hide part of dataset, a value != 0 show the data. When saving edition, the resulting file is specified in the VolumeMask fileName field (which is by default $OIVHOME/examples/source/VolumeViz/editing/editingFeature/mask.ldm)

The sceneInMemory use an InMemory dataset instead of an LDM volume mask. To use it, give the file sceneMask.iv in argument of this demo.


    • VolumeViz/editingFeature/editing.cxx
    • VolumeViz/editingFeature/utils.h
    • VolumeViz/editingFeature/interface.iv
    • VolumeViz/editingFeature/sceneMask.iv
    • VolumeViz/editingFeature/sceneInMemory.iv


SoDataSet SoLassoScreenDrawer SbExtrusionGenerator SoRayPickAction