Open Inventor Release 2024.2.2
No Matches
.NET application

The following document gives the list of Open Inventor files that your .NET application must embed on Windows.

Most of the required files are dll libraries located in the folder %OIVNETHOME%/assemblies/arch-Windows-x86_64-msvc15-Release or %OIVNETHOME%/assemblies/arch-Windows-x86_64-msvc17-Release. %OIVNETHOME% specifies the root folder where Open Inventor .NET SDK is installed on your machine. This path is referred to as [...]/xxx-Release in the rest of this document.

The required files that are described below must be copied in a targeted runtime folder of your application.

You are not allowed to distribute any Open Inventor SDK files that are only used to compile or debug your C++ application. So do not copy any file from the following list:
  • %OIVNETHOME%/assemblies/arch-Windows-x86_64-msvcXX-Debug
  • %OIVNETHOME%/assemblies/arch-Windows-x86_64-msvcXX-Release/*.pdb

Inventor Core

kernel (always required)

The following files are required and correspond to the minimal kernel that must copied into the targeted runtime folder of your application.

Component Windows file name default path comments
Inventor OIV.Inventor.Base.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
Inventor OIV.Inventor.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
Inventor OIV.Inventor.SbLinear.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
Inventor OIV.Inventor.GL.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
Inventor fei_inventor.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_image.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_gl.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_renderengine.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_zlib.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_freetype.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Inventor base OIV.Inventor.Base.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
Inventor base fei_inventor_base.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_glew.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Image readers iolink.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Image readers ioformat.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Image readers ioformat-bmp.dll [...]/xxx-Release bmp reader
Image readers ioformat-gif.dll [...]/xxx-Release gif reader
Image readers ioformat-mrc.dll [...]/xxx-Release mrc reader
Image readers ioformat-openjpeg.dll [...]/xxx-Release openjpeg
Image readers ioformat-png.dll [...]/xxx-Release png
Image readers ioformat-tiff.dll [...]/xxx-Release tiff
boost fei_boost_iostreams-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
boost fei_boost_system-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
boost fei_boost_date_time-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
boost fei_boost_thread-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
boost fei_boost_filesystem-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
boost fei_boost_log-mt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Intel TBB fei_tbb.dll [...]/xxx-Release
ULM ULMLicenseCheck.dll [...]/xxx-Release
ULM ULMLicenseCheck_FNP.dll [...]/xxx-Release
ijwhost.dll [...]/xxx-Release .NET6 only
dragger data draggerDefaults/* %OIVNETHOME%/data dragger files
OIV fonts fonts/* %OIVNETHOME%/data font files

optional files

Depending on file type or specific feature that can be used by your application, the following files may also be necessary. They are dynamically loaded from the application directory, the current directory, the system directory, the Windows directory, %PATH%, or from a path specified by the %OIV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH% environment variable.

Component Windows file name default path comments
fei_proj4.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only by SoGeoProjection: Cartographic projection support
fei_libjpeg.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only if JPEG images are used, e.g. with SoTexture2 or SoJPEGImageRW
fei_inventor_io_cad.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only by SoCADInputReader to import several types of CAD file
fei_inventor_io_stl.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only by SoSTLInputReader to import STL file
fei_inventor_io_dxf.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only to import DXF file
fei_inventor_io_vrml.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only to import VRML file
fei_smlib.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only by SoCSGShape
Your application can ask Open Inventor to load alternate versions of these DLLs. For this, you have to use the following environment variables:
  • OIV_LIBPROJ4_NAME: Cartographic projection support
  • OIV_LIBJPEG_NAME: JPEG support (import/export)
  • OIV_ZLIB_NAME: Compression library
  • OIV_FREETYPE_NAME: FreeType font support
If you have chosen to use one or more alternate DLLs, be sure to distribute the alternate DLLs that your application needs.


Win viewers

If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.Inventor.Win or OIV.Inventor.Gui.View, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
Inventor OIV.Inventor.Win.dll [...]/xxx-Release OIV assembly
fei_inventor_ui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_scaleViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_ui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_ui_win.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_ui_win_resources [...]/xxx-Release

WPF viewer components

If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.Wpf*, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
viewer component OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.Wpf.dll [...]/xxx-Release
viewer component OIV.Inventor.ViewerComponents.dll [...]/xxx-Release
viewer component OIV.Inventor.Wpf.dll [...]/xxx-Release


VolumeViz extension

If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.VolumeViz* or OIV.LDM*, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
VolumeViz OIV.VolumeViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release VolumeViz assembly
VolumeViz fei_volumeViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release
LDM OIV.LDM.dll [...]/xxx-Release LDM assembly
LDM fei_ldm.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Image readers ioformat-dicom.dll [...]/xxx-Release dicom reader
fei_inventor_ui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_scaleViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_computing_algorithms.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_libjpeg.dll [...]/xxx-Release required only if using jpeg files

RemoteViz, (server side)

If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.RemoteViz*, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
RemoteViz OIV.RemoteViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release RemoteViz assembly
RemoteViz fei_remoteViz_services.dll [...]/xxx-Release
RemoteViz fei_remoteViz_jpeg_codec.dll [...]/xxx-Release
RemoteViz fei_remoteViz_nvidia_video_codec.dll [...]/xxx-Release
RemoteViz fei_remoteViz_png_codec.dll [...]/xxx-Release
RemoteViz fei_remoteViz_FFmpeg_codec.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_avcodec.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_avfilter.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_avformat.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_avutil.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_swresample.dll [...]/xxx-Release
FFmpeg fei_FFmpeg_swscale.dll [...]/xxx-Release

RemoteViz, (client side)

If you want to build a client application without any browser, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
RemoteViz client OIV.RemoteViz.Client.dll [...]/xxx-Release RemoteViz client assembly
RemoteViz client fei_remoteViz_client.dll [...]/xxx-Release


If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.MeshViz*, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
MeshViz OIV.MeshViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release MeshViz assembly
MeshViz fei_meshViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release


If your application uses classes from the namespaces OIV.Medical*, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
OIV.Medical.dll [...]/xxx-Release Medical assembly
fei_inventor_medical.dll [...]/xxx-Release


If your application uses classes from the namespace OIV.HardCopy, it requires all libraries from Open Inventor core in addition to the following ones:

Component Windows file name default path comments
HardCopy OIV.HardCopy.dll [...]/xxx-Release HardCopy assembly
HardCopy fei_hardCopy.dll [...]/xxx-Release
HardCopy fei_hardCopy_pdf.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ifx_core.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ifx_exporting.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ifx_scheduling.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_hpdf.dll [...]/xxx-Release PDF/U3D support


IvTune is an extension mainly designed for scene graph editing or debugging. So we do not recommend to embed any IvTune components in your application: It would be a way for the end user to change the scene graph of your application without any control.

However, we indicate below the list of files used by IvTune for your information.

Component Windows file name default path comments
OIV.IvTune.dll [...]/xxx-Release IvTune assembly
fei_ivTune.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ivTune_extender.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ivTune_extender_base.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ivTune_extender_inventor.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ivTune_extender_volumeVizLDM.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_io_genericFile.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_ivTune_extender_volumeVizLDM.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Core.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Gui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Widgets.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5PrintSupport.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Xml.dll [...]/xxx-Release
IvtConfiguration.xml OIVNETHOME/data/IvTune
IvtConfiguration.xsd OIVNETHOME/data/IvTune
PerfCounter.xml OIVNETHOME/data/IvTune

OpenInventor Studio

Open Inventor Studio is the alternative to IvTune when the environment variable %OIV_USE_OIVS% is 1. It is also designed for scene graph editing or debugging. So we do not recommend to embed any Open Inventor Studio components in your application: It would be a way for the end user to change the scene graph of your application without any control.

FYI: we indicate below the list of files used by Open Inventor Studio.

Component Windows file name default path comments
fei_inventor_studio.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_inventor_ui_Qt.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_scaleViz.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_hardCopy.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_components.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_models.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_notification_system_core.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_notification_system_gui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_periodic_table.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_theme.dll [...]/xxx-Release
fei_common_utils.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5PrintSupport.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Xml.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Widgets.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Core.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Gui.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Network.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Quick.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5QmlModels.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Qml.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5QuickControls2.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5QuickWidgets.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Help.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5QuickTemplates2.dll [...]/xxx-Release
Qt5Sql.dll [...]/xxx-Release
all files in qtplugins [...]/xxx-Release/qtplugins/