Open Inventor Release 2024.2.0
No Matches
SharedViewer example

Share a session between many clients.

This example enables you to load your Open Inventor 3D model and share sessions between many clients.


The SharedViewer example uses PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) language, so a web server (Apache, NGinx, IIS, ...) is required to interpret this language and generates the webpages.


  1. Copy the content of the folder "$OIVHOME/examples/source/RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5" containing the web files to the web root folder of your web server.
  2. Be sure that you web server can access files in OIVHOME.

Run the example:

  1. Go to "OIVHOME/examples/bin/OIVARCH/RemoteViz" and run the executable "SharedViewerRenderingService" on your web server.
  2. Open your web browser and navigate to the URL of your web server (domain name or IP address).

Note: In this example, the RemoteViz service uses the localhost IP address ( by default. To run it on a web server, start the example by passing the service IP address and port as arguments (ex : SharedViewerRenderingService 8082) and edit the file "index.html" (client side) to modify the IP address and the port.



    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/SharedViewerRenderingService/include/SharedViewerRenderAreaListener.h
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/SharedViewerRenderingService/include/SharedViewerServiceListener.h
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/SharedViewerRenderingService/src/SharedViewerRenderAreaListener.cxx
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/SharedViewerRenderingService/src/SharedViewerServiceListener.cxx
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/SharedViewerRenderingService/src/main.cxx
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/index.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/controller/Controller.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/model/Data.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/model/Market.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/model/Model.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/view/page.php
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/resources/StyleSheet.css
    • RemoteViz/SharedViewer/Clients/HTML5/resources/js/SharedViewer.js