Open Inventor Release 2024.2.2
No Matches

The pre-built IvTune plug-in that provides basic services. More...


 This extension prints errors, informations and warnings occuring during.
 Profile Selector
 This extension allows to switch between profiles defined in the configuration file.
 This extension allows to monitor performance.
 Node Editor
 A container extension who is able to control node editors extensions, and promote the most specialized editor when a node is selected.
 Field Editor
 A container extension who is able to control field editors extensions, and promote the most specialized editor when a field is selected.
 A SoMFColor field editor extension.
 A SoMField field editor extension.
 A SoMFFloat field editor extension.
 A SoMFInt32 field editor extension.
 A SoMFMatrix field editor extension.
 A SoMFPlane field editor extension.
 A SoMFRotation field editor extension.
 A SoMFShort field editor extension.
 A SoMFString field editor extension.
 A SoMFUInt32 field editor extension.
 A SoMFUShort field editor extension.
 A SoMFVec2f field editor extension.
 A SoMFVec2i32 field editor extension.
 A SoMFVec2s field editor extension.
 A SoMFVec3f field editor extension.
 A SoMFBitMask field editor extension.
 A SoSFBitMask field editor extension.
 A SoSFBool field editor extension.
 A SoSFBox2f field editor extension.
 A SoSFBox3s field editor extension.
 A SoSFColor field editor extension.
 A SoSFEnum field editor extension.
 A SoSFFloat field editor extension.
 A SoSFImage field editor extension.
 A SoSFInt32 field editor extension.
 A SoSField field editor extension.
 A SoSFMatrix field editor extension.
 A SoSFName field editor extension.
 A SoSFPlane field editor extension.
 A SoSFRotation field editor extension.
 A SoSFShort field editor extension.
 A SoSFString field editor extension.
 A SoSFUInt32 field editor extension.
 A SoSFUShort field editor extension.
 A SoSFVec2f field editor extension.
 A SoSFVec2i32 field editor extension.
 A SoSFVec2s field editor extension.
 A SoSFVec3f field editor extension.
 A SoSFVec4f field editor extension.

Detailed Description

The pre-built IvTune plug-in that provides basic services.