Class SoLineWidthElement

  • public class SoLineWidthElement
    extends SoFloatElement
    Stores the current line width. This element stores the current line width.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getClassStackIndex

        public static int getClassStackIndex()
        As of Open Inventor replaced by SoElement.getClassStackIndex(Class)
        Returns the stack id for this element. ] *
      • getDefault

        public static float getDefault()
        Returns the default line width.
      • set

        public static void set​(SoState state,
                               float width)
        Sets the current line width in the state.
      • get

        public static float get​(SoState state)
        Returns current line width from the state.
      • set

        public static void set​(SoState state,
                               SoNode name_14303,
                               float width)
        Sets the current line width in the state.