Class SoRasterImageFile

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoRasterImageFile

        public SoRasterImageFile()
      • SoRasterImageFile

        public SoRasterImageFile​(java.lang.String fileName)
        Constructor that takes a file name.
    • Method Detail

      • openFile

        public boolean openFile​(SoRasterImageRW.OpenModes openMode)
        As of Open Inventor Use openRead() or openWrite() instead.
        Opens the file with the specified open mode.

        Warning Deprecated since Open Inventor 9000. Use openRead() or openWrite() instead.

      • openWrite

        public boolean openWrite()
        Open the file (specified with setFileName) for writing. The filename should be a full path. Returns true if successful.
      • isBinary

        public boolean isBinary()
        Returns the file open binary mode.
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        Returns the file name that was given in the filename constructor. If the filename constructor was not used, this method returns an empty string. To get the file name as a full path, the methods getFullPathFileName() or getStringFullPathFileName() should be used.
      • nullFilePtr

        public void nullFilePtr()
        Sets the filePointer to NULL for files closed internally such as RGB files.
      • getStringFullPathFileName

        public java.lang.String getStringFullPathFileName()
        Returns the file name as a full path. If the filename constructor was not used, this method returns an empty string. This method should be called after openRead() or openWrite(), or else it will return an empty string. To get the file name as it was passed to the constructor, the methods getFileName() or getStringFileName() should be used.
      • closeFile

        public void closeFile()
        Close the file.
      • setFileName

        public void setFileName​(java.lang.String fileName)
        Sets the file name.
      • setBinary

        public void setBinary​(boolean isBinary)
        Sets the file open binary mode.
      • getStringFileName

        public java.lang.String getStringFileName()
        Returns the file name that was given in the filename constructor. If the filename constructor was not used, this method returns an empty string. To get the file name as a full path, the methods getFullPathFileName() or getStringFullPathFileName() should be used.
      • getFileSuffix

        public java.lang.String getFileSuffix()
        Returns the file suffix.
      • getFullPathFileName

        public java.lang.String getFullPathFileName()
        Returns the file name as a full path. If the filename constructor was not used, this method returns an empty string.

        This method should be called after openRead() or openWrite(), or else it will return an empty string. To get the file name as it was passed to the constructor, the methods getFileName() or getStringFileName() should be used.