Package com.openinventor.medical
The medical utility classes are provided as a jar named com.openinventor.medical.jar that can be used directly in an Open Inventor application. The classes in this jar are documented and supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific. These classes are also provided as source code.
The medical utility library provides useful solutions for some specific requirements of Open Inventor-based medical visualization applications. Compared to typical core Open Inventor classes, medical utility library classes may have some limitations. However application developers can use the source code to examine, modify or extend these classes according to the terms below.
Thermo Fisher Scientific may implement similar classes in core Open Inventor in the future, but Thermo Fisher Scientific will continue to support the medical utility version of the class.
Open Inventor customers may use the provided source code to help debug their Open Inventor-based application's use of the medical utility library.
Open Inventor customers may use the source code to create new classes, derived from the library classes, for use in an Open Inventor application. Thermo Fisher Scientific considers such classes to be application code and not supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Open Inventor customers may modify the source code to create customized versions of library classes for use in an Open Inventor application. Thermo Fisher Scientific considers such classes to be application code and not supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific.