30.2. Benchmarking Tips

Like fixing bugs or eliminating memory leaks, performance tuning is a necessary chore during application development. Proper organization and planning can speed up this chore and make it more pleasant.

This section looks at the steps to take when optimizing your application, discussing these topics:

Setting a performance goal helps you use your time wisely. Typically, you should decide on a desired frame rate, such as running at 20 frames per second with a particular scene. A reasonable performance goal for interactive programs is a frame rate of at least 10 frames per second. Most users find that frame rate acceptable for most tasks (more is always better, of course).

When setting a goal, keep in mind the capabilities of your hardware. If the absolute top speed for drawing polygons on your system is 60,000 unlit, single-color triangles per second, don’t try to get 10 frames per second while drawing 6,000 lit, color-per-vertex triangles. Write short OpenGL benchmark programs, or feed test scene graphs to ivview -p to help set your expectations.

It is important to have an objective way of measuring your application’s performance. You are likely to waste time on insignificant optimizations if you just watch your application run and try to see if it seems faster.

Adding code to your application that measures the number of polygons in your scene and how fast they are being rendered is fairly simple; see, for example, the source code for ivview in $OIVHOMEsrc/Inventor/tools/ivView (available only on Unix platforms).

Be sure to keep good records of your application’s performance before you start optimization. Comparing “before” and “after” performance numbers ensures that you are not making things worse.

Most applications spend most of their time executing a small part of the code. Optimizing a procedure that is taking up only 5% of the total time is probably not worthwhile: even if you manage to double the performance of the procedure, the application will speed up by only 2.5%. In fact, on some systems graphical operations can occur in parallel. For example, filling in polygons and transforming polygon vertices might occur at the same time. If the bottleneck is in the vertex transformation stage, increasing the pixel fill time may not increase performance at all! Find the bottlenecks first, and then work on improving them.

Finding bottlenecks is an experimental science. You should first come up with a theory on where the bottleneck might be, then devise an experiment that proves or disproves that theory. Create experiments that isolate one small part of your application’s performance, and make sure you understand what you are measuring every time you run an experiment.“Optimizing Rendering” and “Optimizing Everything Else” describe frequently encountered bottlenecks, show how to determine the amount of time your application is spending in each of them, and give suggestions on improving them. The following topics are discussed:

Feel free to start with bottlenecks you suspect are responsible for the most noticeable slowdown. You can look at the sections in any order; just make sure you always know what you are measuring and keep good records of your experiments.

When you apply a performance optimization, make sure that the modification is really an improvement; don’t assume that all the suggestions made in this (or any other) document automatically apply to your application. For example, render culling usually increases performance. However, if you have an application in which all objects are always visible, render culling actually hurts performance.

Again, keep good records. Record what you do and how much it improves performance. Try to minimize the number of things you change at any one time; for example, if you make two “optimizations” and performance goes up by 10%, the speedup might be caused by a 5% improvement for each optimization, or might be caused by a 100% speedup caused by one optimization and a 90% slowdown caused by the other! It is tempting to read a document like this, make lots of changes, then see if the application gets faster. This not only wastes time, it can also be counter-productive.

One of the most frustrating things about optimizing an application’s performance is that it can be difficult to determine when you are done. Once you have successfully eliminated one bottleneck, something else becomes the factor limiting performance. Before spending more time on optimization, you should ask yourself: