9.5. Bump Mapping

Bump mapping is a way of simulating fine details such as bumps or wrinkles in a surface by modifying the surface normals. Bump mapping can be used to simulate features that would otherwise take a large number of polygons to model.

This technique is a normal-perturbation rendering technique for simulating lighting effects caused by patterned irregularities on an otherwise locally smooth surface.


This technique is a multi-pass per-pixel lighting computation using pixel shaders and vertex shader hardware features, thus classical OpenGL Gouraud lighting is deactivated when a shape is rendered using the bump mapping technique.


Depending on your hardware capabilities, bump mapping may not be available. This technique uses standard OpenGL 1.3 features but can also work with previous OpenGL versions if specific OpenGL extensions are available. The method SoBumpMapping::isSupported() will indicate if bump mapping is supported by your graphics board.