9.8. Performance

Caching saves the result of an operation so that it doesn't need to be repeated. Inventor provides two kinds of caching: render caching and bounding-box caching. (See Section 8.5, “Calculating a Bounding Box” for a description of the SoGetBoundingBoxAction( C++ | Java | .NET ).) For both the render action and the bounding-box action, you can specify that the results of the traversal be saved in a cache. The render cache, for example, contains an OpenGL display list that results from traversing the scene graph to be rendered. If the scene graph does not change, Inventor can use the contents of this cache for subsequent renderings, without traversing the scene graph at all.

AnSoSeparator( C++ | Java | .NET ) node has one field that is used for caching. Possible values for these fields are AUTO, ON, or OFF. AUTO is the default value.

The caching process begins with the separator group, as follows:

The nodes under the separator group may inherit values from nodes that appear before the separator group in the graph. For example, materials, coordinates, texture coordinates, complexity nodes, normals, and bindings tend to be used by each shape. If these values change, the cache needs to change. (Note that if a texture outside the cache changes, the cache is still valid because the shape does not send the texture calls to OpenGL. The texture is sent directly to OpenGL when the SoTexture2( C++ | Java | .NET ) node is traversed.)

Be aware that these changes also invalidate the cache:

  • For SoText2( C++ | Java | .NET ), changing the font or camera (because the text is screen-aligned)

  • For SoText3( C++ | Java | .NET ), changing the profile coordinates or type of profile

Inventor is conservative in determining whether the current cache is valid (that is, caches may be invalidated and rebuilt even if inherited values have not changed).

Figure 9.15, “ Caching a Shape shows a scene graph with a transform node whose values are changing frequently and a cube. In this case, turn on caching at the separator above the cube so that the changing transform values do not invalidate the cache.

Figure 9.16, “ Caching a Shape along with a Changing Property Node shows a scene graph with a complexity node whose values are changing frequently and a cube. Here, you would include both the property node and the shape in the same cache, since the shape always uses the property node when it is rendered.

If you are dealing with a large scene and you know that the camera will frequently view only part of that scene, you may want to turn on render culling so that Inventor doesn't take time rendering parts of the scene that lie completely outside the camera's view. An SoSeparator( C++ | Java | .NET ) node has two flags used for culling: renderCulling and pickCulling. By default, render culling is AUTO. By default, pick culling is ON.

This description deals with render culling. (Pick culling works in a similar manner and is relatively inexpensive; you will probably simply leave it ON.) Here's a brief summary of how render culling works:

Since Step 2 (computing the bounding box and testing it) is fairly expensive in terms of time, render culling is off by default. You'll need to evaluate your scene graph to determine whether render culling will be efficient. For example, you could have a large scene graph with external walls, and detailed electrical and plumbing connections beneath them. Although the scene graph is complex, culling won't help because all elements would be in the camera's view at the same time. However, for scenes where objects are widely separated in space, such as a scene graph for a solar system, culling can be very useful.


Tip: To facilitate culling, organize the database spatially so that objects that are close to each other in 3D space are under the same separator and objects far away from each other are under different separators. In the case of the scene graph with external walls, you could group the plumbing and electrical connections for each wall under a separator.

Guidelines for turning on render culling are as follows:

The SoSFBool( C++ | Java | .NET ) field boundingBoxIgnoring has been added in some nodes in order to ignore the bounding box of the specified nodes. The value indicates whether the bounding box is ignored or not. It can be useful to ignore the bounding box for annotation geometry (for example color bars and legends) that should not be considered by the viewer’s “viewAll” operation. This field can also be used to suppress computation of the bounding box for very large or frequently modified geometry. However ignoring the bounding box of actual scene geometry can cause problems, for example with automatic adjustment of clip planes in the viewer. For scene geometry we recommend using the SoBBox( C++ | Java | .NET ) node to specify a precomputed bounding box.

An effect similar to ignoring the bounding box could previously be accomplished using an SoResetTransform( C++ | Java | .NET ) node to reset the bounding box. Using the boundingBoxIgnoring field or SoBBox( C++ | Java | .NET ) node is more efficient because it avoids computing the bounding box.

The following nodes and all inherited nodes contain this field:

  • SoGroup( C++ | Java | .NET ): Prevents computation of the bounding box for all nodes below this one in the scene graph (SoGetBoundingBoxAction( C++ | Java | .NET ) will not traverse below this node).

  • SoShape( C++ | Java | .NET ): Prevents computation of the bounding box for this shape.

  • SoBaseKit( C++ | Java | .NET ): Prevents computation of the bounding box for this nodekit.

This node allows the application to specify a bounding box for a portion of the scene graph. The main goal of this node is to avoid computing the bounding box when we already know it. Computing the bounding box for a large geometry (e.g. 1 million+ triangles) can be time consuming, especially if the geometry is changing, for example driven by an animation.

In this example the bounding box is computed in each node up to the node SoBBox( C++ | Java | .NET ). It is not computed for the nodes placed after the SoBBox( C++ | Java | .NET ) node.

The mode field has three possible values:

  • SoBBox::DISABLE: The node is ignored by all actions. (The bounding box is computed for all the subsequent nodes of the scene-graph.)

  • SoBBox::NO_BOUNDING_BOX: Subsequent nodes in this part of the scene graph are treated as if they have no bounding box. SoGetBoundingBoxAction will stop traversing this part of the scene graph. This can be used to prevent some nodes from affecting the overall bounding box, as discussed in the section called “boundingBoxIgnoring field”.

  • SoBBox::USER_DEFINED: Subsequent nodes in this part of the scene graph are treated as if they have the bounding box specified in the boundingBox field. SoGetBoundingBoxAction( C++ | Java | .NET ) will stop traversing this part of the scene graph and use the specified bounding box. If rendering in VIEW_BBOX mode (see the SoXXXViewer method setDrawStyle), SoBBox will draw the specified bounding box and subsequent nodes in this part of the scene graph will not be traversed.

This node is used in two demos:



The first demo renders an animated textured shape. There is no need to compute the bounding box for each animation step because the formula is based on an amplified sin function and the bounding box is defined by the limits of the formula. The bounding box node is added just before the shape so the bounding box action will not compute a bounding box for the shape.

The second demo renders a huge geometry using an SoBufferedShape( C++ | Java | .NET ) node. Computing the bounding box of this shape takes a long time because the geometry is stored directly on the graphic card. Therefore computing the bounding box requires uploading the data to system memory before computing the bounding box. But we can precompute the bounding box for this shape and set it using an SoBBox( C++ | Java | .NET ) node. Changing the scale of the geometry triggers a scene graph traversal for the bounding box, but we can apply the same scale to the bounding box, there is no need to compute it using the geometry.

See the section called “Buffered Shape” for more information about SoBufferedShape( C++ | Java | .NET ).

The fast editing feature allows you to modify parts of a scene without redrawing the entire scene. For example, you could use it to interactively move a small object in a large scene that takes a long time to redraw. This feature takes advantage of the fact that only a small number of triangles will have to be redrawn rather than all of them.

To use fast editing, there are two steps:

We recommend using the EACH_FRAME flag when manipulating a very large main scene graph. In this case, the time used for saving buffers is insignificant compared to the time required to draw the scene. EACH_FRAME is recommended as well when the fast editing sub-scene graph is modified frequently. User interactivity is better with the fast edit graph even if the global scene frame rate may slow down.

It would be better to use WHEN_NEEDED when the fast editing sub-scene graph changes occur very rarely. In this case, you will have full performance when rendering the main scene graph because no buffers are saved.

The fast editing feature is illustrated by the example in the $OIVHOME/src/Inventor/examples/features/fastEditing directory.