11.1. Creating an Event

This section describes creating a new event and offers background information on translating an event. For information on creating a new device, see Section 11.3, “Creating a Device”. The device's main responsibility is translating events, which is described in more detail in Section 11.2, “Dispatching Events”.

The file SoSubEvent.h contains the macros for defining new event classes. The SO_EVENT_HEADER() macro declares type identifier and naming variables and methods that all event classes must support. The SO_EVENT_SOURCE() macro defines the static variables and methods declared in the SO_EVENT_HEADER() macro.

Creating a new event requires these steps:

When an event is dispatched, the event translator creates an Inventor event from an X event and sets its values (see Section 11.2, “Dispatching Events”). It provides all the information about the event, including the following:

  • Time the event occurred

  • Position of the locator when the event occurred

  • State of the modifier keys (Shift, Control, Alt) when the event occurred

  • Any additional information required by the event (for example, if a keyboard key is pressed, which key is it?)

Inventor includes three subclasses of SoEvent. SoButtonEvent includes additional information about the button state (is it up or down?). Subclasses of SoButtonEvent SoButtonEvent SoButtonEvent provide information about which button was pressed. SoMotion3Event SoMotion3Event SoMotion3Event includes information on translation and rotation values generated by an input device such as the spaceball. SoLocation2Event SoLocation2Event SoLocation2Event includes information on the absolute location of the cursor in window coordinates.

A value such as the event's time or position is read-only during event traversal because the event is passed as a const pointer. Only the creator of an event can set its values.

The dial and button input device generates two X events that need to be translated into Inventor events and handled by the database:

The information provided by XDeviceMotionEvent is translated into a DialEvent . The XDeviceButtonEvent is translated into a ButtonBoxEvent , which is subclassed from SoButtonEvent SoButtonEvent SoButtonEvent and has button information specific to the button box.

This section discusses the code for the DialEvent, which describes the state of any of the eight dials. Note, however, that you could instead choose to create a more generic event that could be used for other devices in addition to the dial box. For example, you could create a ResetToHomePositionEvent that would be used when the user presses a button box button, clicks on a Home button on the screen, or performs some other designated action.


Be sure to call initClass() on the event after initializing Inventor.

Example 11.1, “ DialEvent.h shows the code for the dial event include file.

Example 11.2, “ DialEvent.c++ shows the complete source code for the dial event.