Transparency Shader API
[Inventor Shader API.]

To properly handle transparency, your fragment shader should contains the following function calls:



bool OivDepthPeel (vec3 fragmentCoords)

Detailed Description

To properly handle transparency, your fragment shader should contains the following function calls:

These methods are accessible by including the <Inventor/oivDepthPeeling_frag.h> header in your shader: Ex:

 void main()
   if ( OivDepthPeel( )
     Vec4 color = vec4(1, 0, 0, 0.5);

Function Documentation

bool OivDepthPeel ( vec3  fragmentCoords  ) 

This method peels the current fragment.

If the fragment must be ignored, this method does the discard. The fragment coords must be in screen space ( should always be used)

Returns true if the fragment should be shaded.

Open Inventor Toolkit reference manual, generated on 15 Mar 2023
Copyright © Thermo Fisher Scientific All rights reserved.