Class SbKernel3i32

    • Constructor Detail

      • SbKernel3i32

        public SbKernel3i32​(SbKernel3i32 copyFrom)
      • SbKernel3i32

        public SbKernel3i32​(long numCols,
                            long numRows,
                            long numSlices)
        Constructor defining the size of the kernel. Kernel is initialized to zero values.
      • SbKernel3i32

        public SbKernel3i32​(SbVec3i32 size)
        Constructor defining the size of the kernel. Kernel is initialized to zero values.
      • SbKernel3i32

        public SbKernel3i32()
        Default constructor. The kernel is not initialized.
    • Method Detail

      • toArray

        public static SbKernel3i32[] toArray​(long nativeArray,
                                             long length)
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(SbKernel3i32 copyFrom)
      • getNumCols

        public long getNumCols()
        Returns the number of columns.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(SbVec3i32 dimension)
        Set the size of the kernel. Size is the number of columns, number of rows and number of slices.

        If the specified size on a dimension is smaller than the current one, the kernel is reduced to its first elements on the corresponding dimension.
        If specified size on a dimension is greater than the current one, values inside the old bounds are preserved and values outside the old bounds are filled to 0.

      • getNumRows

        public long getNumRows()
        Returns the number of rows.
      • getNumSlices

        public long getNumSlices()
        Returns the number of slices.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(long numCols,
                            long numRows,
                            long numSlices)
        Set the size of the kernel. Size is the number of columns, number of rows and number of slices.

        If the specified size on a dimension is smaller than the current one, the kernel is reduced to its first elements on the corresponding dimension.
        If specified size on a dimension is greater than the current one, values inside the old bounds are preserved and values outside the old bounds are filled to 0.

      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int indexCol,
                             int indexRow,
                             int indexSlice,
                             int value)
        Sets the value of the kernel at position (i, j, k). Range of each index is between 0 and n-1 with n, the number of elements in each dimension, i.e getNumCols() for columns, getNumRows() for rows, and getNumSlices() for slices. Throws an SbException if indices are out of bounds.
      • getSize

        public SbVec3i32 getSize()
        Returns the size of the kernel. Size is the number of columns, number of rows and number of slices.
      • getValue

        public int getValue​(int indexCol,
                            int indexRow,
                            int indexSlice)
        Returns the value of the kernel at position (i, j, k). Range of each index is between 0 and n-1 with n, the number of elements in each dimension, i.e getNumCols() for columns, getNumRows() for rows, and getNumSlices() for slices. Throws an SbException if indices are out of bounds.