Class SoImageVizEngineAnalysisOutput<T>

  • public class SoImageVizEngineAnalysisOutput<T>
    extends SoImageVizEngineOutput<SoSFAnalysisResult,​SoImageAnalysisResult>
    Image Processing output class to convert an SoImageAnalysisResult to result details. This class is similar to SoImageVizEngineOutput but provide a methods to get back the detailed values of an image analysis as an object that contains a member for each specific value. Detailed object are retrieved using the getDetail(long) method.
    • Method Detail

      • getDetail

        public T getDetail​(long index)
        Returns index-th detail of the given image analysis output. Returns index-th detail of the given image analysis output. In general there is as many detail than there is slices in the analyzed image (or one detail with 3D input image). But some image analysis engine's output can generate multiple detail per slices (or per volume in 3D).
        index - index of the detail. Must be in the range 0..getNumDetails()
        the index-th detail of the given image analysis output.
      • getNumDetails

        public long getNumDetails()
        Returns the number of details available in the image analysis result.
        Number of details available.