Class SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d

    • Field Detail

      • inSymmetricMatrixImage

        public final SoSFImageDataAdapter inSymmetricMatrixImage
        A matrix image containing symmetric 2x2 matrices. The image type must be float. The number of channels must be 3 in the following order: where is a symmetric matrix.
        Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale color image.
      • outEigenVector1Image

        public final SoImageVizEngineOutput<SoSFImageDataAdapter,​SoImageDataAdapter> outEigenVector1Image
        Eigenvector image containing the largest eigen value. The IJK dimensions of the output image are the same as the input but the number of channels is 2 (channel 0 = x, channel 1 = y). The calibration (voxel size, origin, orientation) is forced to the same values as the input. The voxel type is forced to float. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale binary label image.
      • outEigenVector2Image

        public final SoImageVizEngineOutput<SoSFImageDataAdapter,​SoImageDataAdapter> outEigenVector2Image
        Eigenvector image containing the smallest eigen value. The IJK dimensions of the output image are the same as the input but the number of channels is 2 (channel 0 = x, channel 1 = y). The calibration (voxel size, origin, orientation) is forced to the same values as the input. The voxel type is forced to float. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale binary label image.
      • outEigenValuesImage

        public final SoImageVizEngineOutput<SoSFImageDataAdapter,​SoImageDataAdapter> outEigenValuesImage
        Eigenvalues image. The IJK dimensions of the output image are the same as the input but the number of channels is 2 (channel 0 = largest Eigen value, channel 1 = smallest Eigen value). The calibration (voxel size, origin, orientation) is forced to the same values as the input. The voxel type is forced to float. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale binary label color image.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d

        public SoEigenDecompositionProcessing2d()