Class SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d
    extends SoImageVizEngine
    SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d engine computes a structure score image. It allows to extract tubular, blob-like and plate-like structures from dark or bright background.

    The computation is based on eigen values , and where .

    The structure score for bright tubular structures corresponds to :

    and the score for bright blob-like structures is computed as follow :

    and the score for bright plate-like structures is computed as follow :

    where is the Hessian norm

    is a threshold which controls the flatness sensitivity, is a threshold which controls the blobness sensitivity, and c is a sensitivity threshold which controls the noise influence. with the maximum Hessian norm in the image.

    For dark objects the conditions on , and are reversed.

    The method is referenced by Frangi publication :

    A.F.Frangi, W.J.Niessen, K.L.Vincken, M.A.Viergever, "Multiscale vessel enhancement filtering"
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science(MICCAI), vol. 1496, pp. 130-137, 1998.

    This filter provides output float grayscale image where each voxel intensity represents a structure score.

    File format/default:

    EigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d {

      inEigenvaluesImage NULL
      lightness BRIGHT
      structureType ROD
      alpha 0.75f
      beta 0.75f
      noiseCutoff 0.5f

    Library references: EigenvaluesToStructureness3d

    • Field Detail

      • inEigenvaluesImage

        public final SoSFImageDataAdapter inEigenvaluesImage
        Image containing input eigenvalues field. Type must be float.

        Spectral series size is 3:

        • channel 0 = largest Eigen value ( ),
        • channel 1 = medium Eigen value ( ).
        • channel 2 = smallest Eigen value ( ). Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale color image.
      • alpha

        public final SoSFFloat alpha
        Flatness sensitivity threshold. It corresponds to the term of the score equation. Default value is 0.75f.
      • beta

        public final SoSFFloat beta
        Blobness sensitivity threshold. It corresponds to the term of the score equation. Default value is 0.75f.
      • noiseCutoff

        public final SoSFFloat noiseCutoff
        Noise scale factor. It is used for computing the c term of the score equation. Default value is 0.5f.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d

        public SoEigenvaluesToStructurenessProcessing3d()