Class SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing
    extends SoImageVizEngine
    SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing engine applies a recursive algorithm for the determination of the laplacian. For an introduction, see:

    • section Images Filters
    • section Edge Detection
    • Introduction to Laplacian

    This engine is the recursive algorithm for the determination of the laplacian.

    To minimize the effect of noise, the SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing2d engine smooths the image before computing the laplacian. The smoothing scale parameter determines the smoothing intensity. If the value is large, the noise will be reduced but edges will be less sharp and only the most important edges will appear in the output image. It is important to select the right coefficient which will lower the noise just enough without defocusing the edges.


    File format/default:

    RecursiveLaplacianProcessing {

      computeMode MODE_AUTO
      inImage NULL
      spreadValue 60

    Library references: rlaplacian rlaplacian3d

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing

        public SoRecursiveLaplacianProcessing()