Class SoAreaQuantification2d.SbArea2DDetail

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class SoAreaQuantification2d.SbArea2DDetail
    extends Inventor
    Results details of 2d Area measurement.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SbArea2DDetail

        public SbArea2DDetail​(SoImageAnalysisResult analysis)
        Calls SbArea2DDetail(analysis, (int)0).
    • Method Detail

      • getArea

        public float getArea()
        The area in calibration unit.
      • getPixelNumber

        public long getPixelNumber()
        The area in pixels (number of object pixels).
      • getPixelDensity

        public float getPixelDensity()
        The number of object pixels divided by the pixels number of the image.