Package com.openinventor.imageviz.engines.imageanalysis.individualmeasures

The Individual Measures category contains analysis engines applying a measurement on each label of the input image. For an introduction, see section Image Analysis

Most of these engines have a field to set one or several input measurements.

Label filtering from an image

Object filtering allows removing or keeping shapes from a binary or label image according to measurement criteria. Some engines need a formula to define the filter to apply.

How to define a filter formula

Following engines filter an image with criteria defined in a formula:

The formula syntax accepts the following list of available mathematical and logical operators:

  • + - / * ** : The basic mathematical operators (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, power)
  • ! : Unary negation
  • < > <= >= != == : Comparison operators less, greater, less or equal, greater or equal, not equal and equal
  • && || and or : Logical operators and, or, and and or
  • Moreover an element of a distribution can be accessed by the operator []
    • FeretInputX[2] : The third element of the distribution FeretInputX

e.g., : To define a filter the equivalent diameter measurement for an analysis:

 labelFilter->inFilter = SoDataMeasurePredefined.getName(SoDataMeasurePredefined.EQUIVALENT_DIAMETER_2D) + "< 50"