Class SoSieveLabelingProcessing

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SoSieveLabelingProcessing
    extends SoImageVizEngine
    SoSieveLabelingProcessing engine produces a new label image by grouping labels of the input label image. For an introduction, see:
    • section Image Analysis
    • Measure Node

    The SoSieveLabelingProcessing engine produces a new label image by grouping labels of the input label image. Labels are grouped according to to a list of sieve values that defines input ranges for each output label value.

    Figure 1: Label grouping based on a sieve First, the field Measure selects the measure that will be used to group label. Then each label of the input analysis will be assigned to an output group depending on the value of the selected measure. The figure (Figure 1) presents an example of the label grouping procedure that is described in details below:

    • A label whose measure lies in between 2 sieve values is assigned to the same id. For instance all labels which lie in between value-1 and value-2 will be assigned to the label 1.
      • Labels whose measurement is less than the first sieve value are assigned to the exterior (i.e the label 0).
      • Labels whose measurement is greater than the last sieve value are assigned to the exterior (i.e the label is 0).
      • If there are N Sieve values, the output labels field will be composed of N-1 label.

      File format/default:

      SieveLabelingProcessing {

        computeMode MODE_AUTO
        inObjectImage NULL
        inIntensityImage NULL
        sieveArray 0.0f
        measure NULL

      Library references: sieve_analysis

    • Field Detail

      • inObjectImage

        public final SoSFImageDataAdapter inObjectImage
        The input binary or label image. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: binary label color image.
      • inIntensityImage

        public final SoSFImageDataAdapter inIntensityImage
        The input intensity image. Default value is NULL. Supported types include: grayscale binary label color image.
      • sieveArray

        public final SoMFFloat sieveArray
        The array of bound values to make up the sieve. Default value is 0.0f.
      • measure

        public final SoSFDataMeasure measure
        The measure. Default value is NULL.
      • measureAttributes

        public final SoSFDataMeasureAttributes measureAttributes
        The measure attributes to customize measurement.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SoSieveLabelingProcessing

        public SoSieveLabelingProcessing()