Class SoMaskedStatisticsQuantification.SbStatisticsDetail

    • Constructor Detail

      • SbStatisticsDetail

        public SbStatisticsDetail​(SoImageAnalysisResult analysis)
        Calls SbStatisticsDetail(analysis, (int)0).
    • Method Detail

      • getPixelNumber

        public long getPixelNumber()
        The number of pixels in the image.
      • getMean

        public float getMean()
        The image mean value of intensities.
      • getMaximum

        public float getMaximum()
        The image maximal value of intensities.
      • getStandardDeviation

        public float getStandardDeviation()
        The image mean value of intensities.
      • getIntensityRange

        public float getIntensityRange()
        Number of levels for an integer image, maximum minus minimum for a floating image.
      • getKurtosis

        public float getKurtosis()
        The degree of peakedness of intensities distribution.
      • getMinimum

        public float getMinimum()
        The image minimal value of intensities.
      • getSkewness

        public float getSkewness()
        The degree of asymmetry of intensities distribution.