Class SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d
    extends SoImageVizEngine
    SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine. The SoOpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d engine performs a 2D closing by reconstruction using a structuring element matching with a disk.

    An opening by reconstruction consists in applying an erosion followed by a morphological reconstruction. In the binary case an opening by reconstruction can be used for removing small objects without modifying edges of the large objects. In the grayscale case opening by reconstruction can be used for performing a Top Hat by reconstruction which allows to detect bright small structures without getting artifacts from the boundary concavities of large structures.

    This command supports two modes:

    • A fast mode which approximates a circular structuring element by combining dilations and erosions using 8 and 4 neighborhoods.
    • A precise mode (slower) which ensures a real circular structuring element.

    File format/default:

    OpeningDiskByReconstructionProcessing2d {

      inImage NULL
      elementSize 3
      precisionMode FASTER

    Library references: diskopeningbyrec