Class SoMFVec2FilePathString

  • public class SoMFVec2FilePathString
    extends SoMFVec2String
    Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional filePath string vectors. A multiple-value field that contains any number of two-dimensional string vectors.

    SoMFVec2FilePathString are written to file as one or more pairs of String point values separated by whitespace. When more than one value is present, all of the values are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas. When a string value contains a white space it should be enclosed by double quote for example:

       [ toto truc, "hello man" test ]

    Data copying:

    SoMF fields are a kind of "smart container", automatically expanding as necessary to hold the data provided by the application. This is very convenient, but for large blocks of data it may be desireable to avoid making a copy of the application data. The setValuesBuffer() methods allow Open Inventor to directly use an array of values supplied by the application. The application data is not copied. Please see SoMFVec3f for more information and example code.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SoMFVec2FilePathString

        public SoMFVec2FilePathString​(SoFieldContainer fieldContainer,
                                      java.lang.String fieldName,
                                      SoField.FieldTypes fieldType)
        Default constructor.