Class PoMeshLines

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoMeshLines
    extends PoMesh2D
    Representation of the edges of surface mesh. This representation draws all edges joining each adjacent nodes of the current mesh.

    Even if the current mesh has a 2D geometry, a 3D surface can be obtained if the field PoMesh2D.zValuesIndex is defined (i.e. >= 0) and if the corresponding scalar data set exist in the mesh.

    If the current mesh has a 3D geometry, its z coordinates are used if the field PoMesh2D.zValuesIndex is undefined (i.e. <0).

    If the field PoMesh.valuesIndex is not defined (or if coloringType = COLOR_INHERITED), the representation uses only one inherited color. If the field PoMesh.valuesIndex is defined (and if coloringType != COLOR_INHERITED), the representation is colored by using the current data mapping applied to each mesh node value. (see PoMesh for more explanations about the current data-mapping).

    The vector data of the mesh for this representation is unused. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../stylesheet.css" TITLE="Style"> <title></title> </head> <BODY> <h1></h1> <h4> <A NAME="Heading982">CATALOG PARTS</A></h4> <ul><b>PoMeshLines</b> {</ul> <ul><ul><b>Separator</b> <tt>alternateRep</tt> (from PoBase) {<br> </ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>appearance</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Specifies the appearance of all the kit. By default lightModel.model=BASE_COLOR. material.diffuseColor is set when the kit is rebuilt, if the field coloringType is different from COLOR_INHERITED.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>MatrixTransform</b> <tt>domainTransform</tt> (from PoBase)</ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Corresponds to the domain transformation.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><ul></ul></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><b>Group</b> <tt>groupLines</tt></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul><ul><i>Contains a SoIndexedLineSet shape to draw the lines of the mesh.</i></ul></ul></ul> <ul><ul>}</ul></ul> <ul>}</ul> <ul><ul><br> </ul></ul> </body> </html>

    • Constructor Detail

      • PoMeshLines

        public PoMeshLines()