PbCartesianGrid2D |
Defines a cartesian grid surface mesh.
PbCartesianGrid3D |
Defines a cartesian grid volume mesh.
PbCell |
Defines an abstract cell of a mesh.
PbDefinedValue |
Class used to manage "defined" and "undefined" values.
PbGrid2D |
Defines an abstract grid surface mesh.
PbGrid3D |
Defines an abstract grid volume mesh.
PbHexahedronCell |
Defines an hexahedron cell of a volume mesh.
PbHexahedronMesh3D |
Defines a mesh of hexahedrons.
PbIndexedMesh2D |
Defines a surface mesh of polygons.
PbIndexedMesh2D.NodesInfo |
PbIndexedMesh3D |
Defines a volume mesh of polyhedrons.
PbIndexedMesh3D.NodesInfo |
PbIrregularMesh1D |
Defines a irregular mono-dimensional mesh.
PbMesh |
Defines an abstract mesh.
PbMesh.CellBox |
PbMesh.ContainingCell |
PbMesh.CoordinatesInfo |
PbMesh1D |
Defines an abstract mono-dimensional mesh.
PbMesh2D |
Defines an abstract surface mesh.
PbMesh3D |
Defines an abstract volume mesh.
PbParalCartesianGrid2D |
Defines a parallel cartesian grid surface mesh.
PbParalCartesianGrid3D |
Defines a parallel cartesian grid volume mesh.
PbPixelCell |
Defines a pixel cell of a surface mesh.
PbPolarGrid2D |
Defines a polar grid surface mesh.
PbPyramidCell |
Defines a pyramid cell of a volume mesh.
PbQuadrangleCell |
Defines a quadrangle cell of a surface mesh.
PbQuadrangleMesh2D |
Defines a surface mesh of quadrangles.
PbRegularCartesianGrid2D |
Defines a regular cartesian grid surface mesh.
PbRegularCartesianGrid3D |
Defines a regular cartesian grid volume mesh.
PbRegularMesh1D |
Defines a regular mono-dimensional mesh.
PbTetrahedronCell |
Defines an tetrahedron cell of a volume mesh.
PbTetrahedronMesh3D |
Defines a mesh of tetrahedrons.
PbTriangleCell |
Defines a triangle cell of a surface mesh.
PbTriangleMesh2D |
Defines a surface mesh of triangles.
PbVoxelCell |
Defines a voxel cell of a volume mesh.
PbWedgeCell |
Defines a wedge cell of a volume mesh.
Po3DdataMaster |
Base class for all 3DdataMaster objects.
PoBaseStreamLine |
Base class of all streamline representations on a mesh.
PoCellEdges |
Builds egdes of a cell of a mesh.
PoCellFacets |
Builds facets of a cell of a mesh.
PoCellIndices |
Builds text indices of a cell of a mesh.
PoCellShape |
Abstract representation of a cell of a mesh.
PoMesh |
Base class for all mesh representations.
PoMesh2D |
Base class for all surface mesh representations.
PoMesh2DVec |
Representation of vectors data of a surface mesh.
PoMesh3D |
Base class for all volume mesh representations.
PoMesh3DVec |
Representation of vectors data of a volume mesh.
PoMesh3DVecCrossSection |
Representation of vectors on a cross section.
PoMesh3DVecGridCrossSection |
Representation of vectors on a grid of a cross section.
PoMeshContouring |
Class to build contour lines on a 2D mesh.
PoMeshCrossContour |
Representation of cross-contour of a volume mesh.
PoMeshCrossSection |
Representation of cross section of a volume mesh.
PoMeshFilled |
Filled representation of surface mesh.
PoMeshLevelSurf |
Representation of level surface of volume mesh.
PoMeshLimit |
Representation of the limits of a surface mesh.
PoMeshLines |
Representation of the edges of surface mesh.
PoMeshProbePoint |
Probing in a mesh.
PoMeshSides |
Class to build the sides of the current surface mesh.
PoMeshSkeleton |
Representation of the skeleton of a volume mesh.
PoMeshSkin |
Representation of the mesh skin.
PoStreamLine |
Representation of streamlines on a mesh.
PoStreamLineMotion |
Representation of streamlines with motion of colors.
PoStreamParticleMotion |
Animation of particles along streamlines on a mesh.
PoStreamPointMotion |
Animation of point particles along streamline.
PoStreamSphereMotion |
Animation of sphere particles along streamline.
PoStreamSurface |
Representation of a surface connecting several streamlines.
PoStreamTadpoleMotion |
Animation of tadpole particles along streamline.