Class PoLinearAxis

    • Field Detail

      • step

        public final SoSFFloat step
        Defines the step for the axis. If this value is <= 0, the step is automatically calculated.
      • multFactorDistAxis

        public final SoSFFloat multFactorDistAxis
        Distance from the multiplicative factor to the axis. This value is a percentage of the current domain (cf PoBase description). If this value is <= 0, the distance is automatically calculated.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoLinearAxis

        public PoLinearAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                            float _end,
                            PoCartesianAxis.Types _type)
        Calls PoLinearAxis(_start, _end, _type, (float)0.0).
      • PoLinearAxis

        public PoLinearAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                            float _end,
                            PoCartesianAxis.Types _type,
                            float _gradStart,
                            float _gradEnd)
        Calls PoLinearAxis(_start, _end, _type, _gradStart, _gradEnd, (float)0.0).
      • PoLinearAxis

        public PoLinearAxis()
        Default constructor.
      • PoLinearAxis

        public PoLinearAxis​(SbVec3f _start,
                            float _end,
                            PoCartesianAxis.Types _type,
                            float _gradStart,
                            float _gradEnd,
                            float _step)

        Open Inventor 9.3

    • Method Detail

      • getMultFactor

        public PoLinearAxis.MultFactor getMultFactor()
        Returns the current multiplicative factor attributes (those computed can be different from the associated field).
      • setFormat

        public void setFormat​(PbNumericDisplayFormat format)
        Sets a reference to a PbNumericDisplayFormat object for the numerical display format for the graduations. If this method is not called (or called passing NULL as argument), the numerical display format defined in the current inherited state (defined with the property node PoNumericDisplayFormat) is used.
      • getStep

        public float getStep()
        Returns the current step attribute (the step computed can be different from the associated field).