Class PoPieChart3D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PoPieChart3D
    extends PoPieChart
    Class for 3D pie chart representation. Class to build a 2D pie chart in the plane XY.

    File format/default:

    PoPieChart3D {

      radius 1
      sliceText ""
      sliceValue 0.0
      sliceColor 0.0 0.0 0.0
      intAnnotPosition HOR_INT_POS
      intAnnotAlignment CENTER_ALIGN
      intAnnotTextVisibility false
      intAnnotValueVisibility true
      intAnnotPercentVisibility false
      intAnnotAddStringVisibility false
      intAnnotTextFontName ""
      intAnnotTextFontSize 0.0
      intAnnotValueFontName ""
      intAnnotValueFontSize 0.0
      intAnnotPercentFontName ""
      intAnnotPercentFontSize 0.0
      intAnnotAddString ""
      intAnnotDistance 0.0
      extAnnotPosition HOR_EXT_POS
      extAnnotAlignment INWARDS_ALIGN
      extAnnotTextVisibility true
      extAnnotValueVisibility false
      extAnnotPercentVisibility false
      extAnnotAddStringVisibility false
      extAnnotTextFontName ""
      extAnnotTextFontSize 0.0
      extAnnotValueFontName ""
      extAnnotValueFontSize 0.0
      extAnnotPercentFontName ""
      extAnnotPercentFontSize 0.0
      extAnnotAddString ""
      extAnnotDistance1 0.0
      extAnnotDistance2 0.0
      extAnnotDistance3 0.0
      arrowVisibility true
      arrowHeight 0.0
      arrowWidth 0.0
      sliceGroupActive true
      sliceGroupMinValue 5.0
      sliceGroupFlagMin PERCENTAGE
      sliceGroupString "Others"
      sliceToTranslateNumber 0
      sliceToTranslateValue 0.0
      sliceAngleStep PI/90
      center 0.0 0.0
      zCenter2 1.0

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <link REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../stylesheet.css" TITLE="Style"> <title></title> </head> <body> <h4><a NAME="Heading808">CATALOG PARTS</a></h4> <ul> <b><p>PoPieChart3D</b> {</p> </ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Separator</b> <tt>alternateRep</tt> (from PoBase) {<br> </p> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>appearance</tt> (from PoBase)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of all the kit. By default lightModel.model=BASE_COLOR.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>MatrixTransform</b> <tt>domainTransform</tt> (from PoBase)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Corresponds to the domain transformation.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Separator</b> <tt>sliceSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the slices of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>sliceApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of slices of the pie chart. By default lightModel.model=PHONG.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>slice</tt> (from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <i><p>Contains for each slice an optional SoMaterial, a SoCoordinate3 and a SoFaceSet to draw the slices of the pie chart. Each SoFaceSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs). A SoShapeHints is inserted as first child of this group.</i></p> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>sliceBorderSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the slice borders of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>sliceBorderApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of slice borders of the pie chart. </i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>sliceBorder</tt> (from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list of SoLineSet shapes to draw the slice borders of the pie chart. Each SoLineSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>extAnnotBoxSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the box of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>extAnnotBoxApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of box of exterior annotations of the pie chart. By default material.diffuseColor is set to SbColor(0, 0, 0).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>extAnnotBox </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoFaceSet shapes to draw the box of exterior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoFaceSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>extAnnotBoxBorderSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the box borders of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>extAnnotBoxBorderApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of box borders of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>extAnnotBoxBorder</tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoLineSet shapes to draw the box borders of exterior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoLineSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>extAnnotTextSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the texts (of sliceText field) of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>extAnnotTextApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of texts of exterior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>extAnnotText</tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the texts of exterior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>extAnnotValueSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the values (of sliceValue field) of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>extAnnotValueApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of values of exterior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>extAnnotValue </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the values of exterior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>extAnnotPercentSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the percentages of exterior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>extAnnotPercentApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of percentages of exterior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>extAnnotPercent </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the percentages of exterior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>arrowSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the arrow between slices and exterior annotations.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>arrowApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of arrows. </i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>arrow</tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list of couple (SoLineSet, SoFaceSet) to draw the arrows. Each SoLineSet and SoFaceSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) are named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shapes belong).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>intAnnotBoxSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the box of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>intAnnotBoxApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of box of interior annotations of the pie chart. By default material.diffuseColor is set to SbColor(0, 0, 0).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>intAnnotBox </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoFaceSet shapes to draw the box of interior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoFaceSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>intAnnotBoxBorderSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the box borders of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>intAnnotBoxBorderApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of box borders of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>intAnnotBoxBorder</tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoLineSet shapes to draw the box borders of interior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoLineSet (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>intAnnotTextSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the texts (of sliceText field) of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>intAnnotTextApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of texts of interior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>intAnnotText</tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the texts of interior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>intAnnotValueSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the values (of sliceValue field) of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>intAnnotValueApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of values of interior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>intAnnotValue </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the values of interior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}<br> <br> <b>Separator</b> <tt>intAnnotPercentSep</tt> (from PoPieChart) {</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains properties and shapes to draw the percentages of interior annotations of the pie chart.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>AppearanceKit</b> <tt>intAnnotPercentApp </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Specifies the appearance of percentages of interior annotations of the pie chart. By default font.size and are set when the kit is rebuilt.</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <b><p>Group</b> <tt>intAnnotPercent </tt>(from PoPieChart)</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <i><p>Contains a list SoAnnoText3 to draw the percentages of interior annotations of the pie chart. Each SoAnnoText3 (cf setName() method of SoBase) is named SliceXXX (XXX is the number of slice that the shape belongs).</i></p> </ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}</p> </ul> </ul> </ul> <ul> <ul> <p>}</p> </ul> </ul> <ul> <p>}</p> </ul> </body> </html>

    • Field Detail

      • center

        public final SoSFVec3f center
        Coordinates of the center of the circle forming the first face of the pie chart.
      • zCenter2

        public final SoSFFloat zCenter2
        Z coordinate of the center of the circle forming the second face of the pie chart.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoPieChart3D

        public PoPieChart3D​(SbVec3f _center,
                            float _zCenter2,
                            float _radius,
                            java.lang.String[] sliceTexts,
                            float[] sliceValues,
                            SbColor[] sliceColors)
      • PoPieChart3D

        public PoPieChart3D()
        Default constructor.