Class MiCellExtractUnstructured

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class MiCellExtractUnstructured
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements MiBaseExtractor
    Cell extractor for unstructured meshes.

    Extracts a list of cells from the input unstructured mesh and builds a surface mesh representing the extracted cells.

    • Method Detail

      • extractCell

        public abstract MeXSurfaceMeshUnstructured<MeXSurfaceCell,​MeXSurfaceTopologyExplicitI<MeXSurfaceCell>,​MeXGeometryI> extractCell​(java.util.SortedSet<java.lang.Long> cellIndexes,
                                                                                                                                                    double factor,
                                                                                                                                                    MiCellFilterI cellFilter)
        Creates an unstructured surface mesh from the faces of the cells corresponding to the given indices in the original volume mesh.

        Cells are scaled according to the given factor:
        Shrinking: factor < 1
        Expanding: factor > 1

        cellIndexes - indices of the cells to extract
        factor - cell scale factor
        cellFilter - cell filter
        an unstructured surface mesh from the faces of the extracted cells
      • extractScalarSet

        public abstract MeXScalardSetI extractScalarSet​(MiScalardSetI inputSet)
        Extracts a scalar set from the original mesh. The scalars are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.
        inputSet - the input scalar set defined on the original mesh.
        the output scalar set defined on the extracted mesh.
      • extractVec3Set

        public abstract MeXVec3dSetI extractVec3Set​(MiVec3dSetI inputSet)
        Extracts a vector set from the original mesh. The vectors are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.
        inputSet - the input vector set defined on the original mesh.
        the output vector set defined on the extracted mesh.
      • extractStringSet

        public abstract MeXStringSetI extractStringSet​(MiStringSetI inputSet)
        Extracts a string set from the original mesh. The strings are mapped onto the current extracted mesh.
        inputSet - the input string set defined on the original mesh.
        the output string set defined on the extracted mesh.