Class MoLineDetail

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(SbVec3f point)
        Computes and returns the value of the mapped scalarset at the given point. Returns Double.MAX_VALUE if point not along the line or no mapped scalarset available.
        point - a 3D point
        the value of the mapped scalarset at the given point
      • getMeshDetail

        public MoMeshDetail getMeshDetail()
        Returns information about the input mesh containing the cell that the line belongs to, represented as a MoMeshDetail.
        information about the input mesh
      • getMeshRepresentationDetail

        public MoLineMeshDetail getMeshRepresentationDetail()
        Returns information about the mesh representation (outline, ...) containing the line, represented as a MoLineMeshDetail, if available, returns null otherwise.
        information about the mesh representation or null if not available
      • copy

        public SoDetail copy()
        Description copied from class: SoLineDetail
        Returns an instance that is a copy of this instance. The caller is responsible for deleting the copy when it is no longer needed.
        copy in class SoLineDetail