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SoConverterParameters Class

Container class for LDM converter parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: OIV.LDM.Converters
Assembly: OIV.LDM (in OIV.LDM.dll) Version: (
public class SoConverterParameters : SoNetBase

The SoConverterParameters type exposes the following members.

Public methodSoConverterParameters

Default constructor.

Public methodStatic memberCreate

Static method to build a parameters container from command line arguments.

Public methodDoUpdate

Only applies to input files in LDM format.

Public methodEnableHistogram

Specify if the histogram must be computed or not.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBitSetThreshold

Returns the bitset generation threshold value.

Public methodGetCompressionLevel
Public methodGetCompressionName

Returns compression type.

Public methodGetDataFileName

Returns the complete data filename (i.e.

Public methodGetDataSectionFileName

Returns the data filename.

Public methodGetHashCode
Overrides GetHashCode().
(Inherited from SoNetBase.)
Public methodGetHeaderFileName

Returns header filename.

Public methodGetInputFileName

Returns input filename.

Public methodGetInputRangeMinMax

Returns input data range.

Public methodGetInputVolume

Returns the the volume used as input.

Public methodGetLowResAlgorithm

Returns algorithm used to build low resolution tiles.

Public methodGetMaxMemory

Returns max memory available for converter.

Public methodGetNbArgs

Returns the number of arguments set during init.

Public methodGetOutputDataFormat

Returns the output data format.

Public methodGetOutputHeaderOnly

Returns header only setting.

Public methodGetPondCoef

Retrieve the ponderation coefficient for low resolution tiles.

Public methodGetTargetWordFormat

Returns word format property.

Public methodGetTileDim

Returns tile dimension.

Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUndefinedValue

Returns the undefined value.

Public methodIsCrcCheckDone
Public methodIsForUpdate

Return true if converter is configured to perform a simple update.

Public methodIsHistogramEnabled

Returns true if histogram will be computed.

Public methodIsInputDataRangeSpecified

Return whether or not the input data range has been specified.

Public methodIsOutputDataTypeSpecified

Return whether or not the output data type has been specified.

Public methodIsRGBAMode

Returns true if RGBA mode.

Public methodIsSavedAsBitSet

Returns true if output will be saved as a bitset (ie: 8 values per byte)

Public methodIsVerbose

Returns verbose mode setting.

Public methodIsVerticalFlip

Return if m_bVerticalFlip flag is set.

Public methodSaveAsBitSet(Boolean)
Calls SaveAsBitSet(flag, System.Double(0)).
Public methodSaveAsBitSet(Boolean, Double)

Specify if dataset should be saved as a bitset (8 values per byte) or values.

Public methodSetBitSetThreshold

Set the bitset threshold value.

Public methodSetCompressionLevel

Set compression level.

Public methodSetCompressionName

Set compression name.

Public methodSetCrcCheck

Set CRC32 check on compression.

Public methodSetDataFileName

Set data filename (i.e.

Public methodSetHeaderFileName

Set header filename (i.e.

Public methodSetInputFileName

Set the input filename.

Public methodSetInputRangeMinMax

Set the input data range to map to the output data format.

Public methodSetInputVolume

Define the volume used as input.

Public methodSetLowResAlgorithm

Set the algorithm used to build low resolution tiles.

Public methodSetMaxMemory

Set maximum memory available for the converter, in MB.

Public methodSetOutputDataFormat(String)

Set the output data format from a format string.

Public methodSetOutputDataFormat(SoDataSetDataTypes)

Set the output data format with an OIV.LDM.Nodes.SoDataSet.DataTypes.

Public methodSetOutputHeaderOnly

Set the header only feature.

Public methodSetRGBAMode

Set RGBA data mode (output will be unsigned int32 RGBA values).

Public methodSetTargetWordFormat

Set the target machine word format.

Public methodSetTileDim(Int32)

Set tile dimension.

Public methodSetTileDim(SbVec3i32)

Set tile dimension.

Public methodSetUndefinedValue

Set the undefined value.

Public methodSetVerbose

Set verbose mode.

Public methodSetVerticalFlip

Set the m_bVerticalFlip flag.

Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUseDefaultCompLvl

This class provides a convenient way to specify parameters for the LDM converter.

See Also