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ObliqueSliceBorder Properties

The ObliqueSliceBorder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyalphaUse

Specifies how to use the alpha component of each voxel's RGBA value.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
Public propertyalternateRep

This field optionally holds a subgraph containing only core Open Inventor nodes that can be used for rendering when VolumeViz is not available.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
Public propertyboundingBoxIgnoring

Whether to ignore this node during bounding box traversal.

(Inherited from SoShape.)
Public propertybumpScale

Specifies the intensity of the bump mapping effect.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
Public propertycomposition Obsolete.

Specifies color composition mode.

(Inherited from SoVolumeShape.)
Public propertydataSetId

Specifies the OIV.VolumeViz.Nodes.SoVolumeData node to use.

(Inherited from SoObliqueSlice.)
Public propertyenableBumpMapping

Specifies if a bump mapping effect will be applied to the slice.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
Public propertyinterpolation

Interpolation mode.

(Inherited from SoVolumeShape.)
Public propertyIsDisposable
ISafeDisposable interface implementation.
(Inherited from SoDisposable.)
Public propertylargeSliceSupport

Activate/deactivate direct loading of full resolution slice data.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
Public propertyplane

Plane defining the slice.

(Inherited from SoObliqueSlice.)
Public propertyUserData
Gets or sets the user data to be contained by the field container.
(Inherited from SoFieldContainer.)
Public propertyuseRGBA

Specifies whether to create RGBA textures.

(Inherited from SoSlice.)
See Also